Class RegionScope

  • public final class RegionScope
    extends Object
    This class represents the concept of a regional scope, in form of a string with possible wildcards.

    The string can contain a region value such as us-east-1, or add the wildcard '*' at the end of the region string to represent all possible regional combinations that can match the expression. A wildcard must be it's own segment and preceeded by a '-' dash, unless the whole expression is the wildcard.

    Examples of valid combinations:

    • 'us-east-1' - Represents the region exactly
    • 'eu-west-*' - Represents all regions that start with 'eu-west-'
    • 'eu-*' - Represents all regions that start with 'eu-'
    • '*' - Represents all regions, i.e. a global scope

    Examples of invalid combinations:

    • 'us-*-1' - The wildcard must appear at the end.
    • 'eu-we*' - The wildcard must be its own segment
    • Method Detail

      • id

        public String id()
        Gets the string representation of this region scope.
      • create

        public static RegionScope create​(String value)
        Creates a RegionScope with the supplied value.
        value - See class documentation RegionScope for allowed values.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object