Interface PutObjectResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • expiration

        PutObjectResponse.Builder expiration​(String expiration)

        If the expiration is configured for the object (see PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration), the response includes this header. It includes the expiry-date and rule-id key-value pairs that provide information about object expiration. The value of the rule-id is URL-encoded.

        expiration - If the expiration is configured for the object (see PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration), the response includes this header. It includes the expiry-date and rule-id key-value pairs that provide information about object expiration. The value of the rule-id is URL-encoded.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • eTag

        PutObjectResponse.Builder eTag​(String eTag)

        Entity tag for the uploaded object.

        eTag - Entity tag for the uploaded object.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • checksumCRC32

        PutObjectResponse.Builder checksumCRC32​(String checksumCRC32)

        The base64-encoded, 32-bit CRC32 checksum of the object. This will only be present if it was uploaded with the object. With multipart uploads, this may not be a checksum value of the object. For more information about how checksums are calculated with multipart uploads, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

        checksumCRC32 - The base64-encoded, 32-bit CRC32 checksum of the object. This will only be present if it was uploaded with the object. With multipart uploads, this may not be a checksum value of the object. For more information about how checksums are calculated with multipart uploads, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • checksumCRC32C

        PutObjectResponse.Builder checksumCRC32C​(String checksumCRC32C)

        The base64-encoded, 32-bit CRC32C checksum of the object. This will only be present if it was uploaded with the object. With multipart uploads, this may not be a checksum value of the object. For more information about how checksums are calculated with multipart uploads, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

        checksumCRC32C - The base64-encoded, 32-bit CRC32C checksum of the object. This will only be present if it was uploaded with the object. With multipart uploads, this may not be a checksum value of the object. For more information about how checksums are calculated with multipart uploads, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • checksumSHA1

        PutObjectResponse.Builder checksumSHA1​(String checksumSHA1)

        The base64-encoded, 160-bit SHA-1 digest of the object. This will only be present if it was uploaded with the object. With multipart uploads, this may not be a checksum value of the object. For more information about how checksums are calculated with multipart uploads, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

        checksumSHA1 - The base64-encoded, 160-bit SHA-1 digest of the object. This will only be present if it was uploaded with the object. With multipart uploads, this may not be a checksum value of the object. For more information about how checksums are calculated with multipart uploads, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • checksumSHA256

        PutObjectResponse.Builder checksumSHA256​(String checksumSHA256)

        The base64-encoded, 256-bit SHA-256 digest of the object. This will only be present if it was uploaded with the object. With multipart uploads, this may not be a checksum value of the object. For more information about how checksums are calculated with multipart uploads, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

        checksumSHA256 - The base64-encoded, 256-bit SHA-256 digest of the object. This will only be present if it was uploaded with the object. With multipart uploads, this may not be a checksum value of the object. For more information about how checksums are calculated with multipart uploads, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • serverSideEncryption

        PutObjectResponse.Builder serverSideEncryption​(String serverSideEncryption)

        The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3 (for example, AES256, aws:kms, aws:kms:dsse).

        serverSideEncryption - The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3 (for example, AES256, aws:kms, aws:kms:dsse).
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ServerSideEncryption, ServerSideEncryption
      • serverSideEncryption

        PutObjectResponse.Builder serverSideEncryption​(ServerSideEncryption serverSideEncryption)

        The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3 (for example, AES256, aws:kms, aws:kms:dsse).

        serverSideEncryption - The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3 (for example, AES256, aws:kms, aws:kms:dsse).
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ServerSideEncryption, ServerSideEncryption
      • versionId

        PutObjectResponse.Builder versionId​(String versionId)

        Version of the object.

        versionId - Version of the object.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • sseCustomerAlgorithm

        PutObjectResponse.Builder sseCustomerAlgorithm​(String sseCustomerAlgorithm)

        If server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key was requested, the response will include this header confirming the encryption algorithm used.

        sseCustomerAlgorithm - If server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key was requested, the response will include this header confirming the encryption algorithm used.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • sseCustomerKeyMD5

        PutObjectResponse.Builder sseCustomerKeyMD5​(String sseCustomerKeyMD5)

        If server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key was requested, the response will include this header to provide round-trip message integrity verification of the customer-provided encryption key.

        sseCustomerKeyMD5 - If server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key was requested, the response will include this header to provide round-trip message integrity verification of the customer-provided encryption key.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ssekmsKeyId

        PutObjectResponse.Builder ssekmsKeyId​(String ssekmsKeyId)

        If x-amz-server-side-encryption has a valid value of aws:kms or aws:kms:dsse, this header specifies the ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) symmetric encryption customer managed key that was used for the object.

        ssekmsKeyId - If x-amz-server-side-encryption has a valid value of aws:kms or aws:kms:dsse, this header specifies the ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) symmetric encryption customer managed key that was used for the object.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • ssekmsEncryptionContext

        PutObjectResponse.Builder ssekmsEncryptionContext​(String ssekmsEncryptionContext)

        If present, specifies the Amazon Web Services KMS Encryption Context to use for object encryption. The value of this header is a base64-encoded UTF-8 string holding JSON with the encryption context key-value pairs. This value is stored as object metadata and automatically gets passed on to Amazon Web Services KMS for future GetObject or CopyObject operations on this object.

        ssekmsEncryptionContext - If present, specifies the Amazon Web Services KMS Encryption Context to use for object encryption. The value of this header is a base64-encoded UTF-8 string holding JSON with the encryption context key-value pairs. This value is stored as object metadata and automatically gets passed on to Amazon Web Services KMS for future GetObject or CopyObject operations on this object.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • bucketKeyEnabled

        PutObjectResponse.Builder bucketKeyEnabled​(Boolean bucketKeyEnabled)

        Indicates whether the uploaded object uses an S3 Bucket Key for server-side encryption with Key Management Service (KMS) keys (SSE-KMS).

        bucketKeyEnabled - Indicates whether the uploaded object uses an S3 Bucket Key for server-side encryption with Key Management Service (KMS) keys (SSE-KMS).
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • requestCharged

        PutObjectResponse.Builder requestCharged​(String requestCharged)
        Sets the value of the RequestCharged property for this object.
        requestCharged - The new value for the RequestCharged property for this object.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        RequestCharged, RequestCharged
      • requestCharged

        PutObjectResponse.Builder requestCharged​(RequestCharged requestCharged)
        Sets the value of the RequestCharged property for this object.
        requestCharged - The new value for the RequestCharged property for this object.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        RequestCharged, RequestCharged