Class CreatePresignedDomainUrlRequest

    • Method Detail

      • domainId

        public final String domainId()

        The domain ID.

        The domain ID.
      • userProfileName

        public final String userProfileName()

        The name of the UserProfile to sign-in as.

        The name of the UserProfile to sign-in as.
      • sessionExpirationDurationInSeconds

        public final Integer sessionExpirationDurationInSeconds()

        The session expiration duration in seconds. This value defaults to 43200.

        The session expiration duration in seconds. This value defaults to 43200.
      • expiresInSeconds

        public final Integer expiresInSeconds()

        The number of seconds until the pre-signed URL expires. This value defaults to 300.

        The number of seconds until the pre-signed URL expires. This value defaults to 300.
      • spaceName

        public final String spaceName()

        The name of the space.

        The name of the space.
      • landingUri

        public final String landingUri()

        The landing page that the user is directed to when accessing the presigned URL. Using this value, users can access Studio or Studio Classic, even if it is not the default experience for the domain. The supported values are:

        • studio::relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in Studio.

        • app:JupyterServer:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the Studio Classic application.

        • app:JupyterLab:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the JupyterLab application.

        • app:RStudioServerPro:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the RStudio application.

        • app:CodeEditor:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the Code Editor, based on Code-OSS, Visual Studio Code - Open Source application.

        • app:Canvas:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the Canvas application.

        The landing page that the user is directed to when accessing the presigned URL. Using this value, users can access Studio or Studio Classic, even if it is not the default experience for the domain. The supported values are:

        • studio::relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in Studio.

        • app:JupyterServer:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the Studio Classic application.

        • app:JupyterLab:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the JupyterLab application.

        • app:RStudioServerPro:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the RStudio application.

        • app:CodeEditor:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the Code Editor, based on Code-OSS, Visual Studio Code - Open Source application.

        • app:Canvas:relative/path: Directs users to the relative path in the Canvas application.

      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object