Class DescribeAppResponse

    • Method Detail

      • appArn

        public final String appArn()

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the app.

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the app.
      • appName

        public final String appName()

        The name of the app.

        The name of the app.
      • domainId

        public final String domainId()

        The domain ID.

        The domain ID.
      • userProfileName

        public final String userProfileName()

        The user profile name.

        The user profile name.
      • spaceName

        public final String spaceName()

        The name of the space. If this value is not set, then UserProfileName must be set.

        The name of the space. If this value is not set, then UserProfileName must be set.
      • lastHealthCheckTimestamp

        public final Instant lastHealthCheckTimestamp()

        The timestamp of the last health check.

        The timestamp of the last health check.
      • lastUserActivityTimestamp

        public final Instant lastUserActivityTimestamp()

        The timestamp of the last user's activity. LastUserActivityTimestamp is also updated when SageMaker performs health checks without user activity. As a result, this value is set to the same value as LastHealthCheckTimestamp.

        The timestamp of the last user's activity. LastUserActivityTimestamp is also updated when SageMaker performs health checks without user activity. As a result, this value is set to the same value as LastHealthCheckTimestamp.
      • creationTime

        public final Instant creationTime()

        The creation time of the application.

        After an application has been shut down for 24 hours, SageMaker deletes all metadata for the application. To be considered an update and retain application metadata, applications must be restarted within 24 hours after the previous application has been shut down. After this time window, creation of an application is considered a new application rather than an update of the previous application.

        The creation time of the application.

        After an application has been shut down for 24 hours, SageMaker deletes all metadata for the application. To be considered an update and retain application metadata, applications must be restarted within 24 hours after the previous application has been shut down. After this time window, creation of an application is considered a new application rather than an update of the previous application.

      • failureReason

        public final String failureReason()

        The failure reason.

        The failure reason.
      • resourceSpec

        public final ResourceSpec resourceSpec()

        The instance type and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SageMaker image created on the instance.

        The instance type and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SageMaker image created on the instance.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object