Interface LabelingJobDataAttributes.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • contentClassifiersWithStrings

        LabelingJobDataAttributes.Builder contentClassifiersWithStrings​(Collection<String> contentClassifiers)

        Declares that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult content. SageMaker may restrict the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that can view your task based on this information.

        contentClassifiers - Declares that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult content. SageMaker may restrict the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that can view your task based on this information.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • contentClassifiersWithStrings

        LabelingJobDataAttributes.Builder contentClassifiersWithStrings​(String... contentClassifiers)

        Declares that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult content. SageMaker may restrict the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that can view your task based on this information.

        contentClassifiers - Declares that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult content. SageMaker may restrict the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that can view your task based on this information.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • contentClassifiers

        LabelingJobDataAttributes.Builder contentClassifiers​(Collection<ContentClassifier> contentClassifiers)

        Declares that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult content. SageMaker may restrict the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that can view your task based on this information.

        contentClassifiers - Declares that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult content. SageMaker may restrict the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that can view your task based on this information.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • contentClassifiers

        LabelingJobDataAttributes.Builder contentClassifiers​(ContentClassifier... contentClassifiers)

        Declares that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult content. SageMaker may restrict the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that can view your task based on this information.

        contentClassifiers - Declares that your content is free of personally identifiable information or adult content. SageMaker may restrict the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that can view your task based on this information.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.