Interface ProductionVariantRoutingConfig.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • routingStrategy

        ProductionVariantRoutingConfig.Builder routingStrategy​(String routingStrategy)

        Sets how the endpoint routes incoming traffic:

        • LEAST_OUTSTANDING_REQUESTS: The endpoint routes requests to the specific instances that have more capacity to process them.

        • RANDOM: The endpoint routes each request to a randomly chosen instance.

        routingStrategy - Sets how the endpoint routes incoming traffic:

        • LEAST_OUTSTANDING_REQUESTS: The endpoint routes requests to the specific instances that have more capacity to process them.

        • RANDOM: The endpoint routes each request to a randomly chosen instance.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        RoutingStrategy, RoutingStrategy
      • routingStrategy

        ProductionVariantRoutingConfig.Builder routingStrategy​(RoutingStrategy routingStrategy)

        Sets how the endpoint routes incoming traffic:

        • LEAST_OUTSTANDING_REQUESTS: The endpoint routes requests to the specific instances that have more capacity to process them.

        • RANDOM: The endpoint routes each request to a randomly chosen instance.

        routingStrategy - Sets how the endpoint routes incoming traffic:

        • LEAST_OUTSTANDING_REQUESTS: The endpoint routes requests to the specific instances that have more capacity to process them.

        • RANDOM: The endpoint routes each request to a randomly chosen instance.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        RoutingStrategy, RoutingStrategy