Interface UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • modelPackageArn

        UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder modelPackageArn​(String modelPackageArn)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model package.

        modelPackageArn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model package.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • approvalDescription

        UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder approvalDescription​(String approvalDescription)

        A description for the approval status of the model.

        approvalDescription - A description for the approval status of the model.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • customerMetadataProperties

        UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder customerMetadataProperties​(Map<String,​String> customerMetadataProperties)

        The metadata properties associated with the model package versions.

        customerMetadataProperties - The metadata properties associated with the model package versions.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • customerMetadataPropertiesToRemove

        UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder customerMetadataPropertiesToRemove​(Collection<String> customerMetadataPropertiesToRemove)

        The metadata properties associated with the model package versions to remove.

        customerMetadataPropertiesToRemove - The metadata properties associated with the model package versions to remove.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • customerMetadataPropertiesToRemove

        UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder customerMetadataPropertiesToRemove​(String... customerMetadataPropertiesToRemove)

        The metadata properties associated with the model package versions to remove.

        customerMetadataPropertiesToRemove - The metadata properties associated with the model package versions to remove.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • additionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd

        UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder additionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd​(Collection<AdditionalInferenceSpecificationDefinition> additionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd)

        An array of additional Inference Specification objects to be added to the existing array additional Inference Specification. Total number of additional Inference Specifications can not exceed 15. Each additional Inference Specification specifies artifacts based on this model package that can be used on inference endpoints. Generally used with SageMaker Neo to store the compiled artifacts.

        additionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd - An array of additional Inference Specification objects to be added to the existing array additional Inference Specification. Total number of additional Inference Specifications can not exceed 15. Each additional Inference Specification specifies artifacts based on this model package that can be used on inference endpoints. Generally used with SageMaker Neo to store the compiled artifacts.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • additionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd

        UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder additionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd​(AdditionalInferenceSpecificationDefinition... additionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd)

        An array of additional Inference Specification objects to be added to the existing array additional Inference Specification. Total number of additional Inference Specifications can not exceed 15. Each additional Inference Specification specifies artifacts based on this model package that can be used on inference endpoints. Generally used with SageMaker Neo to store the compiled artifacts.

        additionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd - An array of additional Inference Specification objects to be added to the existing array additional Inference Specification. Total number of additional Inference Specifications can not exceed 15. Each additional Inference Specification specifies artifacts based on this model package that can be used on inference endpoints. Generally used with SageMaker Neo to store the compiled artifacts.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • inferenceSpecification

        UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder inferenceSpecification​(InferenceSpecification inferenceSpecification)

        Specifies details about inference jobs that you can run with models based on this model package, including the following information:

        • The Amazon ECR paths of containers that contain the inference code and model artifacts.

        • The instance types that the model package supports for transform jobs and real-time endpoints used for inference.

        • The input and output content formats that the model package supports for inference.

        inferenceSpecification - Specifies details about inference jobs that you can run with models based on this model package, including the following information:

        • The Amazon ECR paths of containers that contain the inference code and model artifacts.

        • The instance types that the model package supports for transform jobs and real-time endpoints used for inference.

        • The input and output content formats that the model package supports for inference.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • sourceUri

        UpdateModelPackageRequest.Builder sourceUri​(String sourceUri)

        The URI of the source for the model package.

        sourceUri - The URI of the source for the model package.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.