Interface WorkspaceSettings.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • s3ArtifactPath

        WorkspaceSettings.Builder s3ArtifactPath​(String s3ArtifactPath)

        The Amazon S3 bucket used to store artifacts generated by Canvas. Updating the Amazon S3 location impacts existing configuration settings, and Canvas users no longer have access to their artifacts. Canvas users must log out and log back in to apply the new location.

        s3ArtifactPath - The Amazon S3 bucket used to store artifacts generated by Canvas. Updating the Amazon S3 location impacts existing configuration settings, and Canvas users no longer have access to their artifacts. Canvas users must log out and log back in to apply the new location.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • s3KmsKeyId

        WorkspaceSettings.Builder s3KmsKeyId​(String s3KmsKeyId)

        The Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (KMS) encryption key ID that is used to encrypt artifacts generated by Canvas in the Amazon S3 bucket.

        s3KmsKeyId - The Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (KMS) encryption key ID that is used to encrypt artifacts generated by Canvas in the Amazon S3 bucket.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.