Interface RequestOverrideConfiguration.Builder<B extends RequestOverrideConfiguration.Builder>

    • Method Detail

      • headers

        Map<String,​List<String>> headers()
        Optional additional headers to be added to the HTTP request.
        The optional additional headers.
      • putHeader

        default B putHeader​(String name,
                            String value)
        Add a single header to be set on the HTTP request.

        This overrides any values for the given header set on the request by default by the SDK, as well as header overrides set at the client level using ClientOverrideConfiguration.

        This overrides any values already configured with this header name in the builder.

        name - The name of the header.
        value - The value of the header.
        This object for method chaining.
      • putHeader

        B putHeader​(String name,
                    List<String> values)
        Add a single header with multiple values to be set on the HTTP request.

        This overrides any values for the given header set on the request by default by the SDK, as well as header overrides set at the client level using ClientOverrideConfiguration.

        This overrides any values already configured with this header name in the builder.

        name - The name of the header.
        values - The values of the header.
        This object for method chaining.
      • headers

        B headers​(Map<String,​List<String>> headers)
        Add additional headers to be set on the HTTP request.

        This overrides any values for the given headers set on the request by default by the SDK, as well as header overrides set at the client level using ClientOverrideConfiguration.

        This completely overrides any values currently configured in the builder.

        headers - The set of additional headers.
        This object for method chaining.
      • rawQueryParameters

        Map<String,​List<String>> rawQueryParameters()
        Optional additional query parameters to be added to the HTTP request.
        The optional additional query parameters.
      • putRawQueryParameter

        default B putRawQueryParameter​(String name,
                                       String value)
        Add a single query parameter to be set on the HTTP request.

        This overrides any values already configured with this query name in the builder.

        name - The query parameter name.
        value - The query parameter value.
        This object for method chaining.
      • putRawQueryParameter

        B putRawQueryParameter​(String name,
                               List<String> values)
        Add a single query parameter with multiple values to be set on the HTTP request.

        This overrides any values already configured with this query name in the builder.

        name - The query parameter name.
        values - The query parameter values.
        This object for method chaining.
      • rawQueryParameters

        B rawQueryParameters​(Map<String,​List<String>> rawQueryParameters)
        Configure query parameters to be set on the HTTP request.

        This completely overrides any query parameters currently configured in the builder.

        rawQueryParameters - The set of additional query parameters.
        This object for method chaining.
      • apiNames

        List<ApiName> apiNames()
        The optional names of the higher level libraries that constructed the request.
        The names of the libraries.
      • addApiName

        B addApiName​(ApiName apiName)
        Set the optional name of the higher level library that constructed the request.
        apiName - The name of the library.
        This object for method chaining.
      • addApiName

        B addApiName​(Consumer<ApiName.Builder> apiNameConsumer)
        Set the optional name of the higher level library that constructed the request.
        apiNameConsumer - A Consumer that accepts a ApiName.Builder.
        This object for method chaining.
      • apiCallTimeout

        B apiCallTimeout​(Duration apiCallTimeout)
        Configure the amount of time to allow the client to complete the execution of an API call. This timeout covers the entire client execution except for marshalling. This includes request handler execution, all HTTP requests including retries, unmarshalling, etc. This value should always be positive, if present.

        The api call timeout feature doesn't have strict guarantees on how quickly a request is aborted when the timeout is breached. The typical case aborts the request within a few milliseconds but there may occasionally be requests that don't get aborted until several seconds after the timer has been breached. Because of this, the client execution timeout feature should not be used when absolute precision is needed.

        This may be used together with apiCallAttemptTimeout() to enforce both a timeout on each individual HTTP request (i.e. each retry) and the total time spent on all requests across retries (i.e. the 'api call' time).

        Note that this timeout takes precedence over the value configured at client level via ClientOverrideConfiguration.Builder.apiCallTimeout(Duration).

        See Also:
      • apiCallTimeout

        Duration apiCallTimeout()
      • apiCallAttemptTimeout

        B apiCallAttemptTimeout​(Duration apiCallAttemptTimeout)
        Configure the amount of time to wait for the http request to complete before giving up and timing out. This value should always be positive, if present.

        The request timeout feature doesn't have strict guarantees on how quickly a request is aborted when the timeout is breached. The typical case aborts the request within a few milliseconds but there may occasionally be requests that don't get aborted until several seconds after the timer has been breached. Because of this, the request timeout feature should not be used when absolute precision is needed.

        This may be used together with apiCallTimeout() to enforce both a timeout on each individual HTTP request (i.e. each retry) and the total time spent on all requests across retries (i.e. the 'api call' time).

        Note that this timeout takes precedence over the value configured at client level via ClientOverrideConfiguration.Builder.apiCallAttemptTimeout(Duration).

        See Also:
      • apiCallAttemptTimeout

        Duration apiCallAttemptTimeout()
      • signer

        B signer​(Signer signer)
        Sets the signer to use for signing the request. This signer get priority over the signer set on the client while signing the requests. If this value is null, then the client level signer is used for signing the request.
        signer - Signer for signing the request
        This object for method chaining
      • metricPublishers

        B metricPublishers​(List<MetricPublisher> metricPublisher)
        Sets the metric publishers for publishing the metrics collected for this request. This list supersedes the metric publisher set on the client.
        metricPublisher - The list metric publisher for this request.
        This object for method chaining.
      • addMetricPublisher

        B addMetricPublisher​(MetricPublisher metricPublisher)
        Add a metric publisher to the existing list of previously set publishers to be used for publishing metrics for this request.
        metricPublisher - The metric publisher to add.
      • executionAttributes

        B executionAttributes​(ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes)
        Sets the additional execution attributes collection for this request.
        executionAttributes - Execution attributes for this request
        This object for method chaining.
      • putExecutionAttribute

        <T> B putExecutionAttribute​(ExecutionAttribute<T> attribute,
                                    T value)
        Add an execution attribute to the existing collection of execution attributes.
        attribute - The execution attribute object
        value - The value of the execution attribute.
      • endpointProvider

        B endpointProvider​(EndpointProvider endpointProvider)
        Sets the endpointProvider to use for resolving the endpoint of the request. This endpointProvider gets priority over the endpointProvider set on the client while resolving the endpoint for the requests. If this value is null, then the client level endpointProvider is used for resolving the endpoint.
        endpointProvider - Endpoint Provider that will override the resolving the endpoint for the request.
        This object for method chaining
      • compressionConfiguration

        B compressionConfiguration​(CompressionConfiguration compressionConfiguration)
        Sets the CompressionConfiguration for this request. The order of precedence, from highest to lowest, for this setting is: 1) Per request configuration 2) Client configuration 3) Environment variables 4) Profile setting.
        compressionConfiguration - Request compression configuration object for this request.
      • plugins

        B plugins​(List<SdkPlugin> plugins)
        Sets the plugins used to update the configuration used by this request.
        plugins - The list of plugins for this request.
        This object for method chaining.
      • addPlugin

        B addPlugin​(SdkPlugin plugin)
        Add a plugin used to update the configuration used by this request.
        plugin - The plugin to add.
      • plugins

        List<SdkPlugin> plugins()
        Returns the list of registered plugins
      • build

        RequestOverrideConfiguration build()
        Create a new SdkRequestOverrideConfiguration with the properties set on this builder.
        The new SdkRequestOverrideConfiguration.