Class Response.Builder<T>

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class Response.Builder<T>
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • isSuccess

        public Response.Builder<T> isSuccess​(Boolean success)
        Indicates whether the result indicates success or failure of the original request. A true value indicates success; a false value indicates failure.
      • response

        public Response.Builder<T> response​(T response)
        The modelled response object returned by the service. If the response was a failure, this value is likely to be null.
      • exception

        public Response.Builder<T> exception​(SdkException exception)
        The modelled exception returned by the service. If the response was not a failure, this value is likely to be null.
      • build

        public Response<T> build()
        Builds a Response object based on the values held by this builder.