Interface SdkSyncClientBuilder<B extends SdkSyncClientBuilder<B,​C>,​C>

  • Type Parameters:
    B - The type of builder that should be returned by the fluent builder methods in this interface.
    C - The type of client generated by this builder.

    public interface SdkSyncClientBuilder<B extends SdkSyncClientBuilder<B,​C>,​C>
    This includes required and optional override configuration required by every sync client builder. An instance can be acquired by calling the static "builder" method on the type of sync client you wish to create.

    Implementations of this interface are mutable and not thread-safe.

    • Method Detail

      • httpClient

        B httpClient​(SdkHttpClient httpClient)
        Sets the SdkHttpClient that the SDK service client will use to make HTTP calls. This HTTP client may be shared between multiple SDK service clients to share a common connection pool. To create a client you must use an implementation-specific builder. Note that this method is only recommended when you wish to share an HTTP client across multiple SDK service clients. If you do not wish to share HTTP clients, it is recommended to use httpClientBuilder(SdkHttpClient.Builder) so that service-specific default configuration may be applied.

        This client must be closed by the user when it is ready to be disposed. The SDK will not close the HTTP client when the service client is closed.

      • httpClientBuilder

        B httpClientBuilder​(SdkHttpClient.Builder httpClientBuilder)
        Sets a SdkHttpClient.Builder that will be used to obtain a configured instance of SdkHttpClient. Any service-specific HTTP configuration will be merged with the builder's configuration prior to creating the client. When there is no desire to share HTTP clients across multiple service clients, the client builder is the preferred way to customize the HTTP client as it benefits from service-specific default configuration.

        Clients created by the builder are managed by the SDK and will be closed when the service client is closed.