Class SdkAdvancedClientOption<T>

    • Field Detail


        public static final SdkAdvancedClientOption<String> USER_AGENT_PREFIX
        Set the prefix of the user agent that is sent with each request to AWS.

        public static final SdkAdvancedClientOption<String> USER_AGENT_SUFFIX
        Set the suffix of the user agent that is sent with each request to AWS.

        public static final SdkAdvancedClientOption<Signer> TOKEN_SIGNER
        Define the signer that should be used for token-based authentication with AWS.

        public static final SdkAdvancedClientOption<Boolean> DISABLE_HOST_PREFIX_INJECTION
        SDK uses endpoint trait and hostPrefix trait specified in service model to modify the endpoint host that the API request is sent to. Customers can set this value to True to disable the behavior.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SdkAdvancedClientOption

        protected SdkAdvancedClientOption​(Class<T> valueClass)