Class EqualJitterBackoffStrategy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    BackoffStrategy, ToCopyableBuilder<EqualJitterBackoffStrategy.Builder,​EqualJitterBackoffStrategy>

    public final class EqualJitterBackoffStrategy
    extends Object
    implements BackoffStrategy, ToCopyableBuilder<EqualJitterBackoffStrategy.Builder,​EqualJitterBackoffStrategy>
    Backoff strategy that uses equal jitter for computing the delay before the next retry. An equal jitter backoff strategy will first compute an exponential delay based on the current number of retries, base delay and max delay. The final computed delay before the next retry will keep half of this computed delay plus a random delay computed as a random number between 0 and half of the exponential delay plus one. For example, using a base delay of 100, a max backoff time of 10000 an exponential delay of 400 is computed for a second retry attempt. The final computed delay before the next retry will be half of the computed exponential delay, in this case 200, plus a random number between 0 and 201. Therefore the range for delay would be between 200 and 401. This is in contrast to FullJitterBackoffStrategy where the final computed delay before the next retry will be between 0 and the computed exponential delay.