Interface SdkChecksum

    • Method Detail

      • getChecksumBytes

        byte[] getChecksumBytes()
        Returns the computed checksum in a byte array rather than the long provided by Checksum.getValue().
        byte[] containing the checksum
      • mark

        void mark​(int readLimit)
        Allows marking a checksum for checksums that support the ability to mark and reset.
        readLimit - the maximum limit of bytes that can be read before the mark position becomes invalid.
      • forAlgorithm

        static SdkChecksum forAlgorithm​(Algorithm algorithm)
        Gets the Checksum based on the required Algorithm. Instances for CRC32C, CRC32 Algorithm will be added from CRT Java library once they are available in release.
        algorithm - Algorithm for calculating the checksum
        Optional Checksum instances.
      • update

        default void update​(byte[] b)
        Updates the current checksum with the specified array of bytes.
        b - the array of bytes to update the checksum with
        NullPointerException - if b is null
      • update

        default void update​(ByteBuffer buffer)
        Updates the current checksum with the bytes from the specified buffer. The checksum is updated with the remaining bytes in the buffer, starting at the buffer's position. Upon return, the buffer's position will be updated to its limit; its limit will not have been changed.
        buffer - the ByteBuffer to update the checksum with
        NullPointerException - if buffer is null