Class SdkBytes

    • Method Detail

      • fromByteBuffer

        public static SdkBytes fromByteBuffer​(ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
        Create SdkBytes from a Byte buffer. This will read the remaining contents of the byte buffer.
      • fromByteArray

        public static SdkBytes fromByteArray​(byte[] bytes)
        Create SdkBytes from a Byte array. This will copy the contents of the byte array.
      • fromByteArrayUnsafe

        public static SdkBytes fromByteArrayUnsafe​(byte[] bytes)
        Create SdkBytes from a Byte array without copying the contents of the byte array. This introduces concurrency risks, allowing: (1) the caller to modify the byte array stored in this SdkBytes implementation AND (2) any users of BytesWrapper.asByteArrayUnsafe() to modify the byte array passed into this SdkBytes implementation.

        As the method name implies, this is unsafe. Use fromByteArray(byte[]) unless you're sure you know the risks.

      • fromUtf8String

        public static SdkBytes fromUtf8String​(String string)
        Create SdkBytes from a string, using the UTF-8 charset.
      • fromInputStream

        public static SdkBytes fromInputStream​(InputStream inputStream)
        Create SdkBytes from an input stream. This will read all of the remaining contents of the stream, but will not close it.