
package netty

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ExceptionHandler extends AnyRef
  2. case class ReceivedMessage(request: HttpRequest, context: ChannelHandlerContext, message: AnyRef) extends Product with Serializable

    Extension of basic request binding to expose Netty-specific attributes

  3. class RequestBinding extends HttpRequest[ReceivedMessage] with Responder[HttpResponse]
  4. class ResponseBinding[U <: HttpResponse] extends HttpResponse[U]

    An unfiltered response implementation backed by a netty http response.

    An unfiltered response implementation backed by a netty http response. Note the type of netty HttpResponse determines whether or not the unfiltered response combinators can write to it. As a general rule of thumb, only netty FullHttpResponses may be written to by calling respond with a response writer

  5. trait ServerErrorResponse extends ExceptionHandler

    A ChannelInboundHandler mixin that writes a 500 response to clients before closing the channel when an exception is thrown

    A ChannelInboundHandler mixin that writes a 500 response to clients before closing the channel when an exception is thrown

  6. trait Secured extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter with ServerErrorResponse

    Adds ssl handshaking to a channel handler's #channelConnected method This assumes a SslHandler was added to the underlying ChannelPipeline.

    Adds ssl handshaking to a channel handler's #channelConnected method This assumes a SslHandler was added to the underlying ChannelPipeline. The ssl handshake will be handled for you. You may wish to know preform custom behavior on if the handshake is a pass or failure. To do so, use the handshakeSuccess(ctx) or handshakeFailure(ctx, event) to do so note(doug): since the handshake of ssl handlers are invoked for you, this traits usefulness is a little dubious. users can just override userEventTriggered, matching on netties SslHandshakeCompletionEvent. we may want to remove this trait altogether as it adds little value

    @deprecated @Sharable()

    (Since version 0.8.1) As a ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter, you may get notified of ssl handshake state overriding userEventTriggered and matching on SslHandshakeCompletionEvents

Value Members

  1. object Content
  2. object HttpConfig
