Class RetrieveRequestBuilder.Generic<T extends ScimResource>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Generic

        public Generic​( target,
                       T resource)
        Create a new generic retrieve request builder.
        target - The WebTarget to GET.
        resource - The SCIM resource to retrieve.
    • Method Detail

      • ifNoneMatch

        public RetrieveRequestBuilder.Generic<TifNoneMatch()
        Retrieve the resource only if the resource has been modified from the resource provided. If the resource has not been modified, the provided resource will be returned by invoke.
        This builder.
      • invoke

        public T invoke()
                 throws ScimException
        Invoke the SCIM retrieve request.
        The successfully retrieved SCIM resource or the resource provided if the ifNoneMatch method was called and the resource has not been modified.
        ScimException - If an error occurred.
      • invoke

        public <C> C invoke​(Class<C> cls)
                     throws ScimException
        Invoke the SCIM modify request.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type of object to return.
        cls - The Java class object used to determine the type to return.
        The successfully modified SCIM resource.
        Throws: - If a JAX-RS runtime exception occurred.
        ScimException - If the SCIM service provider responded with an error.