
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final case
class Addr(index: Int) extends AnyVal

An address pointing to an index in a Tasty buffer's byte array

An address pointing to an index in a Tasty buffer's byte array

final case
class NameRef(index: Int) extends AnyVal

An address referring to a serialized name

An address referring to a serialized name

Value members

Concrete methods

def natSize(nat: Int): Int

The number of digits of the natural number nat, written in base 128 format.

The number of digits of the natural number nat, written in base 128 format.

Concrete fields

val AddrWidth: 4

The maximal number of address bytes. Since addresses are written as base-128 natural numbers, the value of 4 gives a maximal array size of 256M.

The maximal number of address bytes. Since addresses are written as base-128 natural numbers, the value of 4 gives a maximal array size of 256M.