
class Tree(val span: Span)
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Apply
class Assign
class Bind
class Block
class CaseDef
class DefDef
object EmptyTree
class Export
class Ident
class FreeIdent
class SimpleRef
class If
class InlineIf
class Import
class Inlined
class Lambda
class Literal
class Match
class NamedArg
class New
class Return
class Select
class SelectIn
class SelfDef
class Super
class Template
class This
class Throw
class Try
class TypeApply
class TypeDef
class ClassDef
class TypeParam
class Typed
class Unapply
class ValDef
class While

Value members

Abstract methods


Compute the actual term of this tree.

Compute the actual term of this tree.

def withSpan(span: Span): Tree

Concrete methods

def subtrees: List[Tree]
def tpe(using Context): Type

The term type of this tree.

The term type of this tree.

If this tree is not a term (e.g., it is a definition), its tpe is NoType.

def typeTrees: List[TypeTree]
def walkTree[R](op: Tree => R)(reduce: (R, R) => R, default: => R): R
def walkTree(op: Tree => Unit): Unit
def walkTypeTrees[R](op: TypeTree => R)(reduce: (R, R) => R, default: => R): R
def walkTypeTrees(op: TypeTree => Unit): Unit

Concrete fields

val span: Span