



package proposals

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class GaussianColorProposal(logSdevGain: RGB, logSdevColorContrast: Double, sdevOffset: RGB)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[ColorTransform] with TransitionProbability[ColorTransform] with Product with Serializable


    Random Gaussian Proposal for Color.gain, Color.contrast and Color.offset

  2. case class GaussianDistanceProposal(sdev: Double, compensateScaling: Boolean)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[RenderParameter] with SymmetricTransitionRatio[RenderParameter] with TransitionProbability[RenderParameter] with Product with Serializable


    Gaussian proposal to vary the distance between the face and the camera with an optional scaling compensation

    Gaussian proposal to vary the distance between the face and the camera with an optional scaling compensation


    standard deviation of Gaussian proposal, typically in mm


    if true the focal length of the camera is adjusted to compensate for the apparent size change due to the distance change (isolated perspective change)

  3. case class GaussianMoMoColorCaricatureProposal(logSdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[MoMoInstance] with TransitionProbability[MoMoInstance] with Product with Serializable


    proposal to vary the distance of the color to the mean (caricature, length of parameter vector)

    proposal to vary the distance of the color to the mean (caricature, length of parameter vector)


    log of the expected scaling factor

  4. case class GaussianMoMoColorProposal(sdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[MoMoInstance] with SymmetricTransitionRatio[MoMoInstance] with TransitionProbability[MoMoInstance] with Product with Serializable


    proposal to vary the color parameters of a face with an isotropic Gaussian perturbation

    proposal to vary the color parameters of a face with an isotropic Gaussian perturbation


    standard deviation of the proposal

  5. case class GaussianMoMoExpressionCaricatureProposal(logSdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[MoMoInstance] with TransitionProbability[MoMoInstance] with Product with Serializable


    proposal to vary the distance of the expression to the mean (caricature, length of parameter vector)

    proposal to vary the distance of the expression to the mean (caricature, length of parameter vector)


    log of the expected scaling factor

  6. case class GaussianMoMoExpressionProposal(sdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[MoMoInstance] with SymmetricTransitionRatio[MoMoInstance] with TransitionProbability[MoMoInstance] with Product with Serializable


    proposal to vary the expression parameters of a face with an isotropic Gaussian perturbation independent on each component, same standard deviation

    proposal to vary the expression parameters of a face with an isotropic Gaussian perturbation independent on each component, same standard deviation


    standard deviation of proposal

  7. case class GaussianMoMoShapeCaricatureProposal(logSdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[MoMoInstance] with TransitionProbability[MoMoInstance] with Product with Serializable


    proposal to vary the distance of the shape to the mean (caricature, length of parameter vector)

    proposal to vary the distance of the shape to the mean (caricature, length of parameter vector)


    log of the expected scaling factor

  8. case class GaussianMoMoShapeProposal(sdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[MoMoInstance] with SymmetricTransitionRatio[MoMoInstance] with TransitionProbability[MoMoInstance] with Product with Serializable


    proposal to vary the shape parameters of a face with an isotropic Gaussian perturbation independent on each component, same standard deviation

    proposal to vary the shape parameters of a face with an isotropic Gaussian perturbation independent on each component, same standard deviation


    standard deviation of proposal

  9. case class GaussianParameterProposal(sdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[IndexedSeq[Double]] with SymmetricTransitionRatio[IndexedSeq[Double]] with TransitionProbability[IndexedSeq[Double]] with Product with Serializable


    Gaussian proposal on a sequence of numbers

  10. case class GaussianRotationProposal(axis: EuclideanVector[_3D], sdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[Pose] with SymmetricTransitionRatio[Pose] with TransitionProbability[Pose] with Product with Serializable


    rotation with a random angle (Gaussian) angle around a given axis

  11. case class GaussianScalingProposal(logSdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[Camera] with TransitionProbability[Camera] with Product with Serializable


    proposal to change the scaling of the image through the focal length of the camera

    proposal to change the scaling of the image through the focal length of the camera


    log of factor of typical variation, 0.0 is no variation

  12. trait GaussianTranslationProposal extends ProposalGenerator[Pose] with SymmetricTransitionRatio[Pose] with TransitionProbability[Pose]


    Trait for translation proposals.

  13. class ImageCenteredProposal extends ProposalGenerator[RenderParameter] with TransitionProbability[RenderParameter]


    proposal which keeps the image location of a selected landmark at a constant position, uses shifts of the principle point to keep the position fixed.

    proposal which keeps the image location of a selected landmark at a constant position, uses shifts of the principle point to keep the position fixed. Compensates translation of the wrapped proposal

  14. case class LogNormalScalingParameterProposal(logSdev: Double)(implicit rnd: Random) extends ProposalGenerator[IndexedSeq[Double]] with TransitionProbability[IndexedSeq[Double]] with Product with Serializable


    LogNormal proposal on a sequence of numbers, scaling

  15. class SegmentationMasterProposal extends ProposalGenerator[(RenderParameter, PixelImage[Int])] with SymmetricTransitionRatio[(RenderParameter, PixelImage[Int])]


    Combined Proposal for Segmentation and Parameters Proposes either new mask or new Parameterset

Value Members

  1. object GaussianTranslationProposal


    Gaussian translation proposal for changing a Pose.

  2. object ImageCenteredProposal

  3. object ParameterProposals


    methods to convert between proposals on partial parameters and full parameter proposals

  4. object SegmentationMasterProposal

  5. object SphericalHarmonicsLightProposals


    illumination proposals
