
class LeafSyntax[V](value: V)

Syntax for lifting values into DescribedComputations and creating leaf nodes in the log tree.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def logFailure(description: String): DescribedComputation[V]

Create a ''failure'' treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation with -\/(description) as the value and a failure treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation with the given description.

Create a ''failure'' treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation with -\/(description) as the value and a failure treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation with the given description.

import treelog.LogTreeSyntaxWithoutAnnotations._
import scalaz.syntax.show._

val leaf = 1 ~>! "One"
// Will print: -\/("One") - note that the 'left' means ''failure'', and the contained value is the description, not the 1.

// Will print:
// Failed: One
def logFailure(description: V => String): DescribedComputation[V]

Create a ''failure'' treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation using the given description function to generate a description for the tree node's label and for the DescribedComputations value (i.e. the value will be \/-(description(value)).

Create a ''failure'' treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation using the given description function to generate a description for the tree node's label and for the DescribedComputations value (i.e. the value will be \/-(description(value)).

import treelog.LogTreeSyntaxWithoutAnnotations._
import scalaz.syntax.show._

val leaf = 1 logFailure (x => s"One - $x")
// Will print: -\/("One") - note that the 'left' means ''failure'', and the contained value is the description, not the 1.

// Will print:
// Failed: One - 1
def logSuccess(description: String): DescribedComputation[V]

Create a ''success'' treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation with \/-(value) as the value and a success TreeNode with the given description.

Create a ''success'' treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation with \/-(value) as the value and a success TreeNode with the given description.

import treelog.LogTreeSyntaxWithoutAnnotations._
import scalaz.syntax.show._

val leaf = 1 logSuccess "One"
// Will print: \/-(1) - note that the 'right' means ''success''

// Will print:
// One
def logSuccess(description: V => String): DescribedComputation[V]

Create a ''success'' treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation with \/-(value) as the value and a success treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation using the given description function to generate a description for the tree node's label.

Create a ''success'' treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation with \/-(value) as the value and a success treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation using the given description function to generate a description for the tree node's label.

import treelog.LogTreeSyntaxWithoutAnnotations._
import scalaz.syntax.show._

val leaf = 1 logSuccess (x => s"One: $x")
// Will print: \/-(1) - note that the 'right' means ''success''

// Will print:
// One: 1
def ~>(description: String): DescribedComputation[V]

Sugar for logSuccess

Sugar for logSuccess

def ~>(description: V => String): DescribedComputation[V]
def ~>!(description: String): DescribedComputation[V]

Sugar for logFailure

Sugar for logFailure

def ~>!(description: V => String): DescribedComputation[V]