Class RemoveOptions

    • Method Detail

      • cas

        public RemoveOptions cas​(long cas)
        Specifies a CAS value that will be taken into account on the server side for optimistic concurrency.

        The CAS value is an opaque identifier which is associated with a specific state of the document on the server. The CAS value is received on read operations (or after mutations) and can be used during a subsequent mutation to make sure that the document has not been modified in the meantime.

        If document on the server has been modified in the meantime the SDK will raise a CasMismatchException. In this case the caller is expected to re-do the whole "fetch-modify-update" cycle again. Please refer to the SDK documentation for more information on CAS mismatches and subsequent retries.

        cas - the opaque CAS identifier to use for this operation.
        the RemoveOptions for chaining purposes.