Interface AuthInfoProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AuthInfoProvider

Authentication informations provider to connect to Cassandra nodes.

The authentication information themselves are just a key-value pairs. Which exact key-value pairs are required depends on the authenticator set for the Cassandra nodes.

Field Summary
static AuthInfoProvider NONE
          A provider that provides no authentication informations.
Method Summary
 Map<String,String> getAuthInfos(InetAddress host)
          The authentication informations to use to connect to host.

Field Detail


static final AuthInfoProvider NONE
A provider that provides no authentication informations.

This is only useful for when no authentication is to be used.

Method Detail


Map<String,String> getAuthInfos(InetAddress host)
The authentication informations to use to connect to host. Please note that if authentication is required, this method will be called to initialize each new connection created by the driver. It is thus a good idea to make sure this method returns relatively quickly.

host - the Cassandra host for which authentication information are requested.
The authentication informations to use.

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