Class BoundStatement

  extended by com.datastax.driver.core.Query
      extended by com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement

public class BoundStatement
extends Query

A prepared statement with values bound to the bind variables.

Once a BoundStatement has values for all the variables of the PreparedStatement it has been created from, it can executed (through Session.execute(java.lang.String)).

The values of a BoundStatement can be set by either index or name. When setting them by name, names follow the case insensitivity rules explained in ColumnDefinitions. Noteworthily, if multiple bind variables correspond to the same column (as would be the case if you prepare SELECT * FROM t WHERE x > ? AND x < ?), you will have to set values by indexes (or the bind(java.lang.Object...) method) as the methods to set by name only allows to set the first prepared occurrence of the column.

Constructor Summary
BoundStatement(PreparedStatement statement)
          Creates a new BoundStatement from the provided prepared statement.
Method Summary
 BoundStatement bind(Object... values)
          Bound values to the variables of this statement.
 ByteBuffer getRoutingKey()
          The routing key for this bound query.
 boolean isReady()
          Returns whether all variables have been bound to values in thi BoundStatement.
 boolean isSet(int i)
          Returns whether the ith variable has been bound to a value.
 boolean isSet(String name)
          Returns whether the (first occurrence of) variable name has been bound to a value.
 PreparedStatement preparedStatement()
          Returns the prepared statement on which this BoundStatement is based.
 BoundStatement setBool(int i, boolean v)
          Set the ith value to the provided boolean.
 BoundStatement setBool(String name, boolean v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided boolean.
 BoundStatement setBytes(int i, ByteBuffer v)
          Set the ith value to the provided byte buffer.
 BoundStatement setBytes(String name, ByteBuffer v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided byte buffer.
 BoundStatement setBytesUnsafe(int i, ByteBuffer v)
          Set the ith value to the provided byte buffer.
 BoundStatement setBytesUnsafe(String name, ByteBuffer v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided byte buffer.
 BoundStatement setDate(int i, Date v)
          Set the ith value to the provided date.
 BoundStatement setDate(String name, Date v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided date.
 BoundStatement setDecimal(int i, BigDecimal v)
          Set the ith value to the provided big decimal.
 BoundStatement setDecimal(String name, BigDecimal v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided big decimal.
 BoundStatement setDouble(int i, double v)
          Set the ith value to the provided double.
 BoundStatement setDouble(String name, double v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided double.
 BoundStatement setFloat(int i, float v)
          Set the ith value to the provided float.
 BoundStatement setFloat(String name, float v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided float.
 BoundStatement setInet(int i, InetAddress v)
          Set the ith value to the provided inet address.
 BoundStatement setInet(String name, InetAddress v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided inet address.
 BoundStatement setInt(int i, int v)
          Set the ith value to the provided integer.
 BoundStatement setInt(String name, int v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided integer.
<T> BoundStatement
setList(int i, List<T> v)
          Set the ith value to the provided list.
<T> BoundStatement
setList(String name, List<T> v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided list.
 BoundStatement setLong(int i, long v)
          Set the ith value to the provided long.
 BoundStatement setLong(String name, long v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided long.
<K,V> BoundStatement
setMap(int i, Map<K,V> v)
          Set the ith value to the provided map.
<K,V> BoundStatement
setMap(String name, Map<K,V> v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided map.
<T> BoundStatement
setSet(int i, Set<T> v)
          Set the ith value to the provided set.
<T> BoundStatement
setSet(String name, Set<T> v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided set.
 BoundStatement setString(int i, String v)
          Set the ith value to the provided string.
 BoundStatement setString(String name, String v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided string.
 BoundStatement setUUID(int i, UUID v)
          Set the ith value to the provided UUID.
 BoundStatement setUUID(String name, UUID v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided UUID.
 BoundStatement setVarint(int i, BigInteger v)
          Set the ith value to the provided big integer.
 BoundStatement setVarint(String name, BigInteger v)
          Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided big integer.
Methods inherited from class com.datastax.driver.core.Query
disableTracing, enableTracing, getConsistencyLevel, getRetryPolicy, isTracing, setConsistencyLevel, setRetryPolicy
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BoundStatement(PreparedStatement statement)
Creates a new BoundStatement from the provided prepared statement.

statement - the prepared statement from which to create a t BoundStatement.
Method Detail


public PreparedStatement preparedStatement()
Returns the prepared statement on which this BoundStatement is based.

the prepared statement on which this BoundStatement is based.


public boolean isReady()
Returns whether all variables have been bound to values in thi BoundStatement.

whether all variables are bound.


public boolean isSet(int i)
Returns whether the ith variable has been bound to a value.

i - the index of the variable to check.
whether the ith variable has been bound to a value.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().


public boolean isSet(String name)
Returns whether the (first occurrence of) variable name has been bound to a value.

name - the name of the variable to check.
whether the (first occurrence of) variable name has been bound to a value.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).


public BoundStatement bind(Object... values)
Bound values to the variables of this statement. This method provides a convenience to bound all the variables of the BoundStatement in one call.

values - the values to bind to the variables of the newly created BoundStatement. The first element of values will be bound to the first bind variable, etc.. It is legal to provide less values than the statement has bound variables. In that case, the remaining variable need to be bound before execution. If more values than variables are provided however, an IllegalArgumentException wil be raised.
this bound statement.
IllegalArgumentException - if more values are provided than there is of bound variables in this statement.
InvalidTypeException - if any of the provided value is not of correct type to be bound to the corresponding bind variable.


public ByteBuffer getRoutingKey()
The routing key for this bound query.

This method will return a non-null value if:

Otherwise, null is returned.

Note that if the routing key has been set through PreparedStatement.setRoutingKey(java.nio.ByteBuffer), that value takes precedence even if the partition key is part of the bound variables.

Specified by:
getRoutingKey in class Query
the routing key for this statement or null.


public BoundStatement setBool(int i,
                              boolean v)
Set the ith value to the provided boolean.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type BOOLEAN.


public BoundStatement setBool(String name,
                              boolean v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided boolean.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not of type BOOLEAN.


public BoundStatement setInt(int i,
                             int v)
Set the ith value to the provided integer.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type INT.


public BoundStatement setInt(String name,
                             int v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided integer.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type INT.


public BoundStatement setLong(int i,
                              long v)
Set the ith value to the provided long.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is of type BIGINT or COUNTER.


public BoundStatement setLong(String name,
                              long v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided long.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column i is of type BIGINT or COUNTER.


public BoundStatement setDate(int i,
                              Date v)
Set the ith value to the provided date.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type TIMESTAMP.


public BoundStatement setDate(String name,
                              Date v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided date.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not of type TIMESTAMP.


public BoundStatement setFloat(int i,
                               float v)
Set the ith value to the provided float.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type FLOAT.


public BoundStatement setFloat(String name,
                               float v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided float.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type FLOAT.


public BoundStatement setDouble(int i,
                                double v)
Set the ith value to the provided double.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type DOUBLE.


public BoundStatement setDouble(String name,
                                double v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided double.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type DOUBLE.


public BoundStatement setString(int i,
                                String v)
Set the ith value to the provided string.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is of neither of the following types: VARCHAR, TEXT or ASCII.


public BoundStatement setString(String name,
                                String v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided string.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is of neither of the following types: VARCHAR, TEXT or ASCII.


public BoundStatement setBytes(int i,
                               ByteBuffer v)
Set the ith value to the provided byte buffer. This method validate that the type of the column set is BLOB. If you want to insert manually serialized data into columns of another type, use setBytesUnsafe(int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) instead.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type BLOB.


public BoundStatement setBytes(String name,
                               ByteBuffer v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided byte buffer. This method validate that the type of the column set is BLOB. If you want to insert manually serialized data into columns of another type, use setBytesUnsafe(int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) instead.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not of type BLOB.


public BoundStatement setBytesUnsafe(int i,
                                     ByteBuffer v)
Set the ith value to the provided byte buffer. Contrarily to setBytes(int, java.nio.ByteBuffer), this method does not check the type of the column set. If you insert data that is not compatible with the type of the column, you will get an InvalidQueryException at execute time.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().


public BoundStatement setBytesUnsafe(String name,
                                     ByteBuffer v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided byte buffer. Contrarily to setBytes(int, java.nio.ByteBuffer), this method does not check the type of the column set. If you insert data that is not compatible with the type of the column, you will get an InvalidQueryException at execute time.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).


public BoundStatement setVarint(int i,
                                BigInteger v)
Set the ith value to the provided big integer.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type VARINT.


public BoundStatement setVarint(String name,
                                BigInteger v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided big integer.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not of type VARINT.


public BoundStatement setDecimal(int i,
                                 BigDecimal v)
Set the ith value to the provided big decimal.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type DECIMAL.


public BoundStatement setDecimal(String name,
                                 BigDecimal v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided big decimal.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not of type DECIMAL.


public BoundStatement setUUID(int i,
                              UUID v)
Set the ith value to the provided UUID.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type UUID or TIMEUUID, or if columm i is of type TIMEUUID but v is not a type 1 UUID.


public BoundStatement setUUID(String name,
                              UUID v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided UUID.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not of type UUID or TIMEUUID, or if columm name is of type TIMEUUID but v is not a type 1 UUID.


public BoundStatement setInet(int i,
                              InetAddress v)
Set the ith value to the provided inet address.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not of type INET.


public BoundStatement setInet(String name,
                              InetAddress v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided inet address.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not of type INET.


public <T> BoundStatement setList(int i,
                                  List<T> v)
Set the ith value to the provided list.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not a list type or if the elements of v are not of the type of the elements of column i.


public <T> BoundStatement setList(String name,
                                  List<T> v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided list.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not a list type or if the elements of v are not of the type of the elements of column name.


public <K,V> BoundStatement setMap(int i,
                                   Map<K,V> v)
Set the ith value to the provided map.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not a map type or if the elements (keys or values) of v are not of the type of the elements of column i.


public <K,V> BoundStatement setMap(String name,
                                   Map<K,V> v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided map.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not a map type or if the elements (keys or values) of v are not of the type of the elements of column name.


public <T> BoundStatement setSet(int i,
                                 Set<T> v)
Set the ith value to the provided set.

i - the index of the variable to set.
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if i < 0 || i >= this.preparedStatement().variables().size().
InvalidTypeException - if column i is not a set type or if the elements of v are not of the type of the elements of column i.


public <T> BoundStatement setSet(String name,
                                 Set<T> v)
Set the value for (the first occurrence of) column name to the provided set.

name - the name of the variable to set (if multiple variables name are prepared, only the first one is set).
v - the value to set.
this BoundStatement.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is not a prepared variable, i.e. if !this.preparedStatement().variables().names().contains(name).
InvalidTypeException - if column name is not a set type or if the elements of v are not of the type of the elements of column name.

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