Class Host

  extended by com.datastax.driver.core.Host

public class Host
extends Object

A Cassandra node. This class keeps the information the driver maintain on a given Cassandra node.

Nested Class Summary
 class Host.HealthMonitor
          Deprecated. See getMonitor().
static interface Host.StateListener
          Interface for listeners that are interested in hosts added, up, down and removed events.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object o)
 InetAddress getAddress()
          Returns the node address.
 String getDatacenter()
          Returns the name of the datacenter this host is part of.
 Host.HealthMonitor getMonitor()
          Deprecated. you are encouraged not to use the HealthMonitor anymore. To test if a node is considered UP or not, you should use isUp instead. To register a Host.StateListener, you should do so at the Cluster level through Cluster.register(com.datastax.driver.core.Host.StateListener) (registering against the HealtMonitor does not work as intented: listeners will only be informed of onUp and onDown events (not onAdd and onRemove) and you need to manually register against every host. Cluster.register(com.datastax.driver.core.Host.StateListener) solves this).
 String getRack()
          Returns the name of the rack this host is part of.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isUp()
          Returns whether the host is considered up by the driver.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public InetAddress getAddress()
Returns the node address.

the node InetAddress.


public String getDatacenter()
Returns the name of the datacenter this host is part of. The returned datacenter name is the one as known by Cassandra. It is also possible for this information to be unavailable. In that case this method returns null, and the caller should always be aware of this possibility.

the Cassandra datacenter name or null if datacenter is unavailable.


public String getRack()
Returns the name of the rack this host is part of. The returned rack name is the one as known by Cassandra. It is also possible for this information to be unavailable. In that case this method returns null, and the caller should always aware of this possibility.

the Cassandra rack name or null if the rack is unavailable


public boolean isUp()
Returns whether the host is considered up by the driver.

whether the node is considered up.


public Host.HealthMonitor getMonitor()
Deprecated. you are encouraged not to use the HealthMonitor anymore. To test if a node is considered UP or not, you should use isUp instead. To register a Host.StateListener, you should do so at the Cluster level through Cluster.register(com.datastax.driver.core.Host.StateListener) (registering against the HealtMonitor does not work as intented: listeners will only be informed of onUp and onDown events (not onAdd and onRemove) and you need to manually register against every host. Cluster.register(com.datastax.driver.core.Host.StateListener) solves this).

Returns the health monitor for this host. The health monitor keeps tracks of the known host state (up or down). A class implementing Host.StateListener can also register against the health monitor to be notified when this node is detected to be up or down

the host Host.HealthMonitor.


public final int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public final boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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