Package com.datastax.driver.core

The main package for the DataStax Java driver for Cassandra.


Interface Summary
Authenticator Handles SASL authentication with Cassandra servers.
AuthProvider Provides Authenticator instances for use when connecting to Cassandra nodes.
Cluster.Initializer Initializer for Cluster instances.
Host.StateListener Interface for listeners that are interested in hosts added, up, down and removed events.

Class Summary
BoundStatement A prepared statement with values bound to the bind variables.
Cluster information and known state of a Cassandra cluster.
Cluster.Builder Helper class to build Cluster instances.
ColumnDefinitions Metadata describing the columns returned in a ResultSet or a PreparedStatement.
ColumnDefinitions.Definition A column definition.
ColumnMetadata Describes a Column.
ColumnMetadata.IndexMetadata Metadata on a column index.
Configuration The configuration of the cluster.
DataType Data types supported by cassandra.
ExecutionInfo Basic information on the execution of a query.
Host A Cassandra node.
KeyspaceMetadata Describes a keyspace defined in this cluster.
Metadata Keeps metadata on the connected cluster, including known nodes and schema definitions.
Metrics Metrics exposed by the driver.
MetricsOptions Metrics options.
PlainTextAuthProvider A simple AuthProvider implementation.
PoolingOptions Options related to connection pooling.
PreparedStatement Represents a prepared statement, a query with bound variables that has been prepared (pre-parsed) by the database.
ProtocolOptions Options of the Cassandra native binary protocol.
Query An executable query.
QueryTrace The Cassandra trace for a query.
QueryTrace.Event A trace event.
ResultSet The result of a query.
ResultSetFuture A future on a ResultSet.
Row A CQL Row returned in a ResultSet.
Session A session holds connections to a Cassandra cluster, allowing it to be queried.
SimpleStatement A simple Statement implementation built directly from a query string.
SocketOptions Options to configure low-level socket options for the connections kept to the Cassandra hosts.
SSLOptions Options to provide to enable SSL connections.
Statement A non-prepared CQL statement.
TableMetadata Describes a Table.

Enum Summary
DataType.Name The CQL type name.
HostDistance The distance to a Cassandra node as assigned by a LoadBalancingPolicy (through its distance method).
ProtocolOptions.Compression Compression supported by the Cassandra binary protocol.
WriteType The type of a Cassandra write query.

Package com.datastax.driver.core Description

The main package for the DataStax Java driver for Cassandra.

The main entry for this package is the Cluster class.

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