Class TokenAwarePolicy

  extended by com.datastax.driver.core.policies.TokenAwarePolicy
All Implemented Interfaces:
Host.StateListener, LoadBalancingPolicy

public class TokenAwarePolicy
extends Object
implements LoadBalancingPolicy

A wrapper load balancing policy that add token awareness to a child policy.

This policy encapsulates another policy. The resulting policy works in the following way:

Do note that only replica for which the child policy distance method returns HostDistance.LOCAL will be considered having priority. For example, if you wrap DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy with this token aware policy, replicas from remote data centers may only be returned after all the host of the local data center.

Constructor Summary
TokenAwarePolicy(LoadBalancingPolicy childPolicy)
          Creates a new TokenAware policy that wraps the provided child load balancing policy.
Method Summary
 HostDistance distance(Host host)
          Return the HostDistance for the provided host.
 void init(Cluster cluster, Collection<Host> hosts)
          Initialize this load balancing policy.
 Iterator<Host> newQueryPlan(Query query)
          Returns the hosts to use for a new query.
 void onAdd(Host host)
          Called when a new node is added to the cluster.
 void onDown(Host host)
          Called when a node is determined to be down.
 void onRemove(Host host)
          Called when a node is removed from the cluster.
 void onUp(Host host)
          Called when a node is determined to be up.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TokenAwarePolicy(LoadBalancingPolicy childPolicy)
Creates a new TokenAware policy that wraps the provided child load balancing policy.

childPolicy - the load balancing policy to wrap with token awareness.
Method Detail


public void init(Cluster cluster,
                 Collection<Host> hosts)
Description copied from interface: LoadBalancingPolicy
Initialize this load balancing policy.

Note that the driver guarantees that it will call this method exactly once per policy object and will do so before any call to another of the methods of the policy.

Specified by:
init in interface LoadBalancingPolicy
cluster - the Cluster instance for which the policy is created.
hosts - the initial hosts to use.


public HostDistance distance(Host host)
Return the HostDistance for the provided host.

Specified by:
distance in interface LoadBalancingPolicy
host - the host of which to return the distance of.
the HostDistance to host as returned by the wrapped policy.


public Iterator<Host> newQueryPlan(Query query)
Returns the hosts to use for a new query.

The returned plan will first return replicas (whose HostDistance for the child policy is LOCAL) for the query if it can determine them (i.e. mainly if query.getRoutingKey() is not null). Following what it will return the plan of the child policy.

Specified by:
newQueryPlan in interface LoadBalancingPolicy
query - the query for which to build the plan.
the new query plan.


public void onUp(Host host)
Description copied from interface: Host.StateListener
Called when a node is determined to be up.

Specified by:
onUp in interface Host.StateListener
host - the host that has been detected up.


public void onDown(Host host)
Description copied from interface: Host.StateListener
Called when a node is determined to be down.

Specified by:
onDown in interface Host.StateListener
host - the host that has been detected down.


public void onAdd(Host host)
Description copied from interface: Host.StateListener
Called when a new node is added to the cluster.

The newly added node should be considered up.

Specified by:
onAdd in interface Host.StateListener
host - the host that has been newly added.


public void onRemove(Host host)
Description copied from interface: Host.StateListener
Called when a node is removed from the cluster.

Specified by:
onRemove in interface Host.StateListener
host - the removed host.

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