Class StdSubtypeResolver

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.SubtypeResolver
      extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.impl.StdSubtypeResolver
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StdSubtypeResolver
extends SubtypeResolver
implements Serializable

Standard SubtypeResolver implementation.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  LinkedHashSet<NamedType> _registeredSubtypes
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void _collectAndResolve(AnnotatedClass annotatedType, NamedType namedType, MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai, HashMap<NamedType,NamedType> collectedSubtypes)
          Method called to find subtypes for a specific type (class)
 Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(AnnotatedClass type, MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai)
          Method for finding out all reachable subtypes for given type.
 Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(AnnotatedMember property, MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai)
          Deprecated. Since 2.1
 Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(AnnotatedMember property, MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai, JavaType baseType)
          Method for finding out all reachable subtypes for a property specified by given element (method or field)
 void registerSubtypes(Class<?>... classes)
 void registerSubtypes(NamedType... types)
          Method for registering specified subtypes (possibly including type names); for type entries without name, non-qualified class name as used as name (unless overridden by annotation).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected LinkedHashSet<NamedType> _registeredSubtypes
Constructor Detail


public StdSubtypeResolver()
Method Detail


public void registerSubtypes(NamedType... types)
Description copied from class: SubtypeResolver
Method for registering specified subtypes (possibly including type names); for type entries without name, non-qualified class name as used as name (unless overridden by annotation).

Specified by:
registerSubtypes in class SubtypeResolver


public void registerSubtypes(Class<?>... classes)
Specified by:
registerSubtypes in class SubtypeResolver


public Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(AnnotatedMember property,
                                                                  MapperConfig<?> config,
                                                                  AnnotationIntrospector ai)
Deprecated. Since 2.1

Specified by:
collectAndResolveSubtypes in class SubtypeResolver


public Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(AnnotatedMember property,
                                                       MapperConfig<?> config,
                                                       AnnotationIntrospector ai,
                                                       JavaType baseType)
Description copied from class: SubtypeResolver
Method for finding out all reachable subtypes for a property specified by given element (method or field)

Specified by:
collectAndResolveSubtypes in class SubtypeResolver
property - Base member to use for type resolution: either annotated type (class), or property (field, getter/setter)
baseType - Effective property base type to use; may differ from actual type of property; for structured types it is content (value) type and NOT structured type.


public Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(AnnotatedClass type,
                                                       MapperConfig<?> config,
                                                       AnnotationIntrospector ai)
Description copied from class: SubtypeResolver
Method for finding out all reachable subtypes for given type.

Specified by:
collectAndResolveSubtypes in class SubtypeResolver


protected void _collectAndResolve(AnnotatedClass annotatedType,
                                  NamedType namedType,
                                  MapperConfig<?> config,
                                  AnnotationIntrospector ai,
                                  HashMap<NamedType,NamedType> collectedSubtypes)
Method called to find subtypes for a specific type (class)

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