
Type members


class Configuration(username: String, host: String, port: Int, password: Option[String], database: Option[String], ssl: SSLConfiguration, charset: Charset, maximumMessageSize: Int, allocator: ByteBufAllocator, connectTimeout: Duration, testTimeout: Duration, queryTimeout: Option[Duration])

Contains the configuration necessary to connect to a database.

Contains the configuration necessary to connect to a database.

Value Params

the netty buffer allocator to be used


charset for the connection, defaults to UTF-8, make sure you know what you are doing if you change this


the timeout for connecting to servers


database name, defaults to no database


database host, defaults to "localhost"


the maximum size a message from the server could possibly have, this limits possible OOM or eternal loop attacks the client could have, defaults to 16 MB. You can set this to any value you would like but again, make sure you know what you are doing if you do change it.


password, defaults to no password


database port, defaults to 5432


the optional query timeout


ssl configuration


the timeout for connection tests performed by pools


database username


Base interface for all objects that behave like a connection. This trait will usually be implemented by the objects that connect to a database, either over the filesystem or sockets. [[Connection]] are not supposed to be thread-safe and clients should assume implementations are not thread safe and shouldn't try to perform more than one statement (either common or prepared) at the same time. They should wait for the previous statement to be executed to then be able to pick the next one.

Base interface for all objects that behave like a connection. This trait will usually be implemented by the objects that connect to a database, either over the filesystem or sockets. [[Connection]] are not supposed to be thread-safe and clients should assume implementations are not thread safe and shouldn't try to perform more than one statement (either common or prepared) at the same time. They should wait for the previous statement to be executed to then be able to pick the next one.

You can, for instance, compose on top of the futures returned by this class to execute many statements at the same time:

 val handler: Connection = ...
 val result: Future[QueryResult] = handler.connect
   .map(parameters => handler)
   .flatMap(connection => connection.sendQuery("BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ"))
   .flatMap(query => handler.sendQuery("SELECT 0"))
   .flatMap(query => handler.sendQuery("COMMIT").map(value => query))

 val queryResult: QueryResult = Await.result(result, Duration(5, SECONDS))
trait KindedMessage extends Serializable
class QueryResult(val rowsAffected: Long, val statusMessage: String, val rows: Option[ResultSet])

This is the result of the execution of a statement, contains basic information as the number or rows affected by the statement and the rows returned if there were any.

This is the result of the execution of a statement, contains basic information as the number or rows affected by the statement and the rows returned if there were any.

trait ResultSet extends IndexedSeq[RowData]

Represents the collection of rows that is returned from a statement inside a [[QueryResult]]. It's basically a collection of Array[Any]. Mutating fields in this array will not affect the database in any way

Represents the collection of rows that is returned from a statement inside a [[QueryResult]]. It's basically a collection of Array[Any]. Mutating fields in this array will not affect the database in any way

object ResultSet
trait RowData extends IndexedSeq[Any]

Represents a row from a database, allows clients to access rows by column number or column name.

Represents a row from a database, allows clients to access rows by column number or column name.

class SSLConfiguration(mode: Value, rootCert: Option[File])

Contains the SSL configuration necessary to connect to a database.

Contains the SSL configuration necessary to connect to a database.

Value Params

whether and with what priority a SSL connection will be negotiated, default disabled


path to PEM encoded trusted root certificates, None to use internal JDK cacerts, defaults to None
