
Type members


class BufferNotFullyConsumedException(buffer: ByteBuf) extends DatabaseException
class CanceledChannelFutureException(val channelFuture: ChannelFuture) extends IllegalStateException
class ConnectionStillRunningQueryException(connectionCount: Long, caughtRace: Boolean) extends DatabaseException
class DatabaseException(message: String, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException
class InsufficientParametersException(expected: Int, params: Seq[Any]) extends DatabaseException

Raised when the user gives more or less parameters than the query takes. Each parameter is a ? (question mark) in the query string. The count of ? should be the same as the count of items in the provided sequence of parameters.

Raised when the user gives more or less parameters than the query takes. Each parameter is a ? (question mark) in the query string. The count of ? should be the same as the count of items in the provided sequence of parameters.

Value Params

the expected count of parameters


the collection given

class NegativeMessageSizeException(code: Byte, size: Int) extends DatabaseException
class UnableToParseURLException(message: String, base: Throwable) extends RuntimeException

Thrown to indicate that a URL Parser could not understand the provided URL.

Thrown to indicate that a URL Parser could not understand the provided URL.

class UnknownLengthException(length: Int) extends DatabaseException
class UnsupportedAuthenticationMethodException(val authenticationType: String) extends DatabaseException