
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def changeSymsInTerm(using Quotes)(association: Map[Symbol, Tree], body: Term, owner: Symbol): Term
def changeSymsInTree(using qctx: Quotes)(association: Map[Symbol, Tree], body: Tree, owner: Symbol): Tree
def containsAwait(using Quotes)(term: Term): Boolean
def createFunctionType(using Quotes)(argTypes: List[TypeRepr], resultType: TypeRepr): TypeRepr
def dummyMapper(using Quotes)(t: Term, owner: Symbol): Boolean
def ensureTyped(using qctx: Quotes)(term: Term, tp: TypeRepr): Term
def find(using Quotes)(term: Tree, cond: Tree => Option[Tree]): Option[Tree]
def findOtherOwnersIn(using Quotes)(tree: Tree): Map[Int, Tree]
def inMonadOrChild[F[_] : Type](using Quotes)(te: TypeRepr): Option[TypeRepr]
def prependStatementToBlock(using Quotes)(st: Statement, block: Block): Block
def prependStatementsToBlock(using Quotes)(sts: List[Statement], block: Block): Block
def prependStatementsToTerm(using Quotes)(statements: List[Statement], term: Term): Block
def reallyChangeOwner(using Quotes)(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol): Tree
def safeShow(using Quotes)(t: Tree): String
def substituteLambdaParams(using qctx: Quotes)(oldParams: List[ValDef], newParams: List[Tree], body: Term, owner: Symbol): Term
def veryWiden(using qctx: Quotes)(tp: TypeRepr): TypeRepr

widen, which works over 'or' and 'and' types. (bug in dotty?)

widen, which works over 'or' and 'and' types. (bug in dotty?)
