
class ArrayOpsWithFilterAsyncSubst[F[_], A](ops: ArrayOps[A], monad: CpsMonad[F], p: A => F[Boolean]) extends CallChainAsyncShiftSubst[F, WithFilter[A], F[WithFilter[A]]]
trait CallChainAsyncShiftSubst[F, WithFilter[A], F[WithFilter[A]]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def _finishChain: F[WithFilter[A]]

called when we have no calls in futher chain.

called when we have no calls in futher chain.

Definition Classes
def flatMap[B : ClassTag](f: A => IterableOnce[B]): F[Array[B]]
def flatMap[BS, B](f: A => BS)(using asIterable: BS => Iterable[B], m: ClassTag[B]): F[Array[B]]
def flatMap_async[B : ClassTag](f: A => F[IterableOnce[B]]): F[Array[B]]
def map[B : ClassTag](f: A => B): F[Array[B]]
def map_async[B : ClassTag](f: A => F[B]): F[Array[B]]
def runBuild[B : ClassTag](it: Iterator[A], builder: ArrayBuilder[B])(step: (A, ArrayBuilder[B]) => F[Unit]): F[ArrayBuilder[B]]
def startBuild[B : ClassTag](step: (A, ArrayBuilder[B]) => F[Unit]): F[Array[B]]