Package htsjdk.samtools

Interface Summary
BAMIndex A basic interface for querying BAM indices.
BinningIndexBuilder.FeatureToBeIndexed coordinates are 1-based, inclusive
BrowseableBAMIndex An index interface with additional functionality for querying and inspecting the structure of a BAM index.
CoordinateSortedPairInfoMap.Codec<KEY,REC> Client must implement this class, which defines the way in which records are written to and read from file.
CustomReaderFactory.ICustomReaderFactory Interface to be implemented by custom factory classes that register themselves with this factory and are loaded dynamically.
SAMFileSpan A interface representing a collection of (possibly) discontinuous segments in the BAM file, possibly representing the results of an index query.
SAMFileWriter Interface for SAMText and BAM file writers.
SamReader Describes functionality for objects that produce SAMRecords and associated information.
SamReader.Indexing Facet for index-related operations.
SamReader.PrimitiveSamReader The minimal subset of functionality to implement to conform with the requirements of SamReader.PrimitiveSamReaderToSamReaderAdapter.
SAMRecordComparator Interface for comparators that define the various SAM sort orders.
SAMRecordFactory Factory interface which allows plugging in of different classes for generating instances of SAMRecord and BAMRecord when reading from SAM/BAM files.
SAMRecordIterator A general interface that adds functionality to a CloseableIterator of SAMRecords.

Class Summary
AbstractBAMFileIndex Provides basic, generic capabilities to be used reading BAM index files.
AbstractSAMHeaderRecord Base class for the various concrete records in a SAM header, providing uniform access to the attributes.
AlignmentBlock Represents the contiguous alignment of a subset of read bases to a reference sequence.
BAMIndexer Class for both constructing BAM index content and writing it out.
BAMIndexMetaData Metadata about the bam index contained within the bam index.
BamIndexValidator One crisp, informative sentence or noun phrase that explains the concept modeled by the class.
BAMRecord Wrapper class for binary BAM records.
BAMRecordCodec Class for translating between in-memory and disk representation of BAMRecord.
Bin An individual bin in a BAM file.
BinList Provides a list of all bins which could exist in the BAM file.
BinningIndexBuilder Builder for a BinningIndexContent object.
BinningIndexContent In-memory representation of the binning index for a single reference.
BinningIndexContent.BinList This class is used to encapsulate the list of Bins store in the BAMIndexContent While it is currently represented as an array, we may decide to change it to an ArrayList or other structure
Chunk A [start,stop) file pointer pairing into the BAM file, stored as a BAM file index.
Cigar A list of CigarElements, which describes how a read aligns with the reference.
CigarElement One component of a cigar string.
CoordinateSortedPairInfoMap<KEY,REC> Holds info about a mate pair for use when processing a coordinate sorted file.
CRAMFileReader BAMFileReader analogue for CRAM files.
CRAMIndexer Class for both constructing BAM index content and writing it out.
CustomReaderFactory Factory for creating custom readers for accessing API based resources, e.g.
Defaults Embodies defaults for global values that affect how the SAM JDK operates.
DefaultSAMRecordFactory Default factory for creating SAM and BAM records used by the SAMFileReader classes.
DuplicateScoringStrategy This class helps us compute and compare duplicate scores, which are used for selecting the non-duplicate during duplicate marking (see MarkDuplicates).
GenomicIndexUtil Constants and methods used by BAM and Tribble indices
LinearIndex The linear index associated with a given reference in a BAM index.
MergingSamRecordIterator Provides an iterator interface for merging multiple underlying iterators into a single iterable stream.
NotPrimarySkippingIterator Wrapper around SAMRecord iterator that skips over non-primary elements.
QueryInterval Interval relative to a reference, for querying a BAM file.
ReservedTagConstants Constants for tags used in our SAM/BAM files
SAMBinaryTagAndUnsignedArrayValue Simple extension to SAMBinaryTagAndValue in order to distinguish unsigned array values, because signedness cannot be determined by introspection of value.
SAMBinaryTagAndValue Holds a SAMRecord attribute and the tagname (in binary form) for that attribute.
SAMFileHeader Header information from a SAM or BAM file.
SamFileHeaderMerger Merges SAMFileHeaders that have the same sequences into a single merged header object while providing read group translation for cases where read groups clash across input headers.
SAMFileReader Deprecated.
SAMFileReader.ReaderImplementation Internal interface for SAM/BAM file reader implementations.
SAMFileSource Represents the origin of a SAM record.
SAMFileTruncatedReader Deprecated.
SamFileValidator Validates SAM files as follows: checks sam file header for sequence dictionary checks sam file header for read groups for each sam record reports error detected by SAMRecord.isValid() validates NM (nucleotide differences) exists and matches reality validates mate fields agree with data in the mate record
SAMFileWriterFactory Create a SAMFileWriter for writing SAM or BAM.
SAMFileWriterImpl Base class for implementing SAM writer with any underlying format.
SAMHeaderRecordComparator<T extends AbstractSAMHeaderRecord> Provides ordering based on SAM header records' attribute values.
SamInputResource Describes a SAM-like resource, including its data (where the records are), and optionally an index.
SAMLineParser this class enables creation of a SAMRecord object from a String in SAM text format.
SamPairUtil Utility methods for pairs of SAMRecords
SamPairUtil.SetMateInfoIterator A class to iterate through SAMRecords and set mate information on the given records, and optionally set the mate cigar tag (true by default).
SAMProgramRecord In-memory representation of @PG SAM header record.
SamReader.PrimitiveSamReaderToSamReaderAdapter Decorator for a SamReader.PrimitiveSamReader that expands its functionality into a SamReader.
SamReader.Type Describes a type of SAM file.
SamReaderFactory Describes the functionality for producing SamReader, and offers a handful of static generators.
SAMReadGroupRecord Header information about a read group.
SAMRecord.SAMTagAndValue Tag name and value of an attribute, for getAttributes() method.
SAMRecordCoordinateComparator Comparator for sorting SAMRecords by coordinate.
SAMRecordQueryNameComparator Comparator for "queryname" ordering of SAMRecords.
SAMRecordSetBuilder Factory class for creating SAMRecords for testing purposes.
SAMSequenceDictionary Collection of SAMSequenceRecords.
SAMSequenceRecord Header information about a reference sequence.
SAMSortOrderChecker Encapsulates simple check for SAMRecord order.
SamStreams Utilities related to processing of InputStreams encoding SAM data
SAMTagUtil Facility for converting between String and short representation of a SAM tag.
SAMTestUtil Misc methods for SAM-related unit tests.
SAMTextHeaderCodec Parser for a SAM text header, and a generator of SAM text header.
SAMTextWriter Writer for text-format SAM files.
SAMTools Command line utility for manipulating SAM/BAM files.
SAMUtils Utilty methods.
SAMValidationError Class that encapsulates a validation error message as well as a type code so that errors can be aggregated by type.
SecondaryOrSupplementarySkippingIterator Wrapper around SAMRecord iterator that skips over secondary and supplementary elements.
SQTagUtil Utility methods for encoding and decoding the SQ tag value of SAMRecord.
TagValueAndUnsignedArrayFlag CVO to use as a method return value.
TextCigarCodec Convert between String and Cigar class representations of CIGAR.
TextTagCodec Converter between SAM text representation of a tag, and in-memory Object representation.

Enum Summary
CigarOperator The operators that can appear in a cigar string, and information about their disk representations.
SAMFileHeader.SortOrder Ways in which a SAM or BAM may be sorted.
SamPairUtil.PairOrientation The possible orientations of paired reads.
SamReaderFactory.Option A collection of binary SamReaderFactory options.
SAMTag The standard tags for a SAM record that are defined in the SAM spec.
SQTagUtil.SQBase The ordinals of these are stored in the high-order 2 bits of each byte of the SQ tag.
ValidationStringency How strict to be when reading a SAM or BAM, beyond bare minimum validation.

Exception Summary
FileTruncatedException Thrown when it is possible to detect that a SAM or BAM file is truncated.
SAMFormatException Thrown when a SAM file being read or decoded (text or binary) looks bad.
SAMTestUtil.SanityCheckFailedException Indicates that a required sanity-check condition was not met.