Class Table

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Table extends TableInfo
A Google BigQuery Table.

Objects of this class are immutable. Operations that modify the table like update( return a new object. To get a Table object with the most recent information use reload( Table adds a layer of service-related functionality over TableInfo.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • exists

      public boolean exists()
      Checks if this table exists.

      Example of checking if the table exists.

       boolean exists = table.exists();
       if (exists) {
         // the table exists
       } else {
         // the table was not found
      true if this table exists, false otherwise
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • reload

      public Table reload(BigQuery.TableOption... options)
      Fetches current table's latest information. Returns null if the table does not exist.

      Example of fetching the table's latest information, specifying particular table fields to get.

       TableField field1 = TableField.LAST_MODIFIED_TIME;
       TableField field2 = TableField.NUM_ROWS;
       Table latestTable = table.reload(TableOption.fields(field1, field2));
       if (latestTable == null) {
         // the table was not found
      options - table options
      a Table object with latest information or null if not found
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • update

      public Table update(BigQuery.TableOption... options)
      Updates the table's information with this table's information. Dataset's and table's user-defined ids cannot be changed. A new Table object is returned.

      Example of updating the table's information.

       Table updatedTable = table.toBuilder().setDescription("new description").build().update();
      options - dataset options
      a Table object with updated information
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • delete

      public boolean delete()
      Deletes this table.

      Example of deleting the table.

       boolean deleted = table.delete();
       if (deleted) {
         // the table was deleted
       } else {
         // the table was not found
      true if table was deleted, false if it was not found
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • insert

      Insert rows into the table.

      Streaming inserts reside temporarily in the streaming buffer, which has different availability characteristics than managed storage. Certain operations do not interact with the streaming buffer, such as list(TableDataListOption...) and copy(TableId, JobOption...). As such, recent streaming data will not be present in the destination table or output.

      Example of inserting rows into the table.

       String rowId1 = "rowId1";
       String rowId2 = "rowId2";
       List<RowToInsert> rows = new ArrayList<>();
       Map<String, Object> row1 = new HashMap<>();
       row1.put("stringField", "value1");
       row1.put("booleanField", true);
       Map<String, Object> row2 = new HashMap<>();
       row2.put("stringField", "value2");
       row2.put("booleanField", false);
       rows.add(RowToInsert.of(rowId1, row1));
       rows.add(RowToInsert.of(rowId2, row2));
       InsertAllResponse response = table.insert(rows);
       // do something with response
      rows - rows to be inserted
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • insert

      public InsertAllResponse insert(Iterable<InsertAllRequest.RowToInsert> rows, boolean skipInvalidRows, boolean ignoreUnknownValues) throws BigQueryException
      Insert rows into the table.

      Streaming inserts reside temporarily in the streaming buffer, which has different availability characteristics than managed storage. Certain operations do not interact with the streaming buffer, such as list(TableDataListOption...) and copy(TableId, JobOption...). As such, recent streaming data will not be present in the destination table or output.

      Example of inserting rows into the table, ignoring invalid rows.

       String rowId1 = "rowId1";
       String rowId2 = "rowId2";
       List<RowToInsert> rows = new ArrayList<>();
       Map<String, Object> row1 = new HashMap<>();
       row1.put("stringField", 1);
       row1.put("booleanField", true);
       Map<String, Object> row2 = new HashMap<>();
       row2.put("stringField", "value2");
       row2.put("booleanField", false);
       rows.add(RowToInsert.of(rowId1, row1));
       rows.add(RowToInsert.of(rowId2, row2));
       InsertAllResponse response = table.insert(rows, true, true);
       // do something with response
      rows - rows to be inserted
      skipInvalidRows - whether to insert all valid rows, even if invalid rows exist. If not set the entire insert operation will fail if rows to be inserted contain an invalid row
      ignoreUnknownValues - whether to accept rows that contain values that do not match the schema. The unknown values are ignored. If not set, rows with unknown values are considered to be invalid
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • list

      Returns the paginated list rows in this table.

      Example of listing rows in the table.

       // This example reads the result 100 rows per RPC call. If there's no need to limit the number,
       // simply omit the option.
       Page<FieldValueList> page = table.list(TableDataListOption.pageSize(100));
       for (FieldValueList row : page.iterateAll()) {
         // do something with the row
      options - table data list options
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • list

      public TableResult list(Schema schema, BigQuery.TableDataListOption... options) throws BigQueryException
      Returns the paginated list rows in this table.

      Example of listing rows in the table given a schema.

       Schema schema = ...;
       String field = "my_field";
       Page<FieldValueList> page = table.list(schema);
       for (FieldValueList row : page.iterateAll()) {
      options - table data list options
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • copy

      public Job copy(String destinationDataset, String destinationTable, BigQuery.JobOption... options) throws BigQueryException
      Starts a BigQuery Job to copy the current table to the provided destination table. Returns the started Job object.

      Example of copying the table to a destination table.

       String datasetName = "my_dataset";
       String tableName = "my_destination_table";
       Job job = table.copy(datasetName, tableName);
       // Wait for the job to complete.
       try {
         Job completedJob = job.waitFor(RetryOption.initialRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(1)),
         if (completedJob != null && completedJob.getStatus().getError() == null) {
           // Job completed successfully
         } else {
           // Handle error case
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         // Handle interrupted wait
      destinationDataset - the user-defined id of the destination dataset
      destinationTable - the user-defined id of the destination table
      options - job options
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • copy

      public Job copy(TableId destinationTable, BigQuery.JobOption... options) throws BigQueryException
      Starts a BigQuery Job to copy the current table to the provided destination table. Returns the started Job object.

      Example copying the table to a destination table.

       String dataset = "my_dataset";
       String tableName = "my_destination_table";
       TableId destinationId = TableId.of(dataset, tableName);
       JobOption options = JobOption.fields(JobField.STATUS, JobField.USER_EMAIL);
       Job job = table.copy(destinationId, options);
       // Wait for the job to complete.
       try {
         Job completedJob = job.waitFor(RetryOption.initialRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(1)),
         if (completedJob != null && completedJob.getStatus().getError() == null) {
           // Job completed successfully.
         } else {
           // Handle error case.
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         // Handle interrupted wait
      destinationTable - the destination table of the copy job
      options - job options
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • extract

      public Job extract(String format, String destinationUri, BigQuery.JobOption... options) throws BigQueryException
      Starts a BigQuery Job to extract the current table to the provided destination URI. Returns the started Job object.

      Example extracting data to single Google Cloud Storage file.

       String format = "CSV";
       String gcsUrl = "gs://my_bucket/filename.csv";
       Job job = table.extract(format, gcsUrl);
       // Wait for the job to complete
       try {
         Job completedJob = job.waitFor(RetryOption.initialRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(1)),
         if (completedJob != null && completedJob.getStatus().getError() == null) {
           // Job completed successfully
         } else {
           // Handle error case
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         // Handle interrupted wait
      format - the format of the extracted data
      destinationUri - the fully-qualified Google Cloud Storage URI (e.g. gs://bucket/path) where the extracted table should be written
      options - job options
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • extract

      public Job extract(String format, List<String> destinationUris, BigQuery.JobOption... options) throws BigQueryException
      Starts a BigQuery Job to extract the current table to the provided destination URIs. Returns the started Job object.

      Example of partitioning data to a list of Google Cloud Storage files.

       String format = "CSV";
       String gcsUrl1 = "gs://my_bucket/PartitionA_*.csv";
       String gcsUrl2 = "gs://my_bucket/PartitionB_*.csv";
       List<String> destinationUris = new ArrayList<>();
       Job job = table.extract(format, destinationUris);
       // Wait for the job to complete
       try {
         Job completedJob = job.waitFor(RetryOption.initialRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(1)),
         if (completedJob != null && completedJob.getStatus().getError() == null) {
           // Job completed successfully
         } else {
           // Handle error case
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         // Handle interrupted wait
      format - the format of the exported data
      destinationUris - the fully-qualified Google Cloud Storage URIs (e.g. gs://bucket/path) where the extracted table should be written
      options - job options
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • load

      public Job load(FormatOptions format, String sourceUri, BigQuery.JobOption... options) throws BigQueryException
      Starts a BigQuery Job to load data into the current table from the provided source URI. Returns the started Job object.

      Example loading data from a single Google Cloud Storage file.

       String sourceUri = "gs://my_bucket/filename.csv";
       Job job = table.load(FormatOptions.csv(), sourceUri);
       // Wait for the job to complete
       try {
         Job completedJob = job.waitFor(RetryOption.initialRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(1)),
         if (completedJob != null && completedJob.getStatus().getError() == null) {
           // Job completed successfully
         } else {
           // Handle error case
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         // Handle interrupted wait
      format - the format of the data to load
      sourceUri - the fully-qualified Google Cloud Storage URI (e.g. gs://bucket/path) from which to load the data
      options - job options
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • load

      public Job load(FormatOptions format, List<String> sourceUris, BigQuery.JobOption... options) throws BigQueryException
      Starts a BigQuery Job to load data into the current table from the provided source URIs. Returns the started Job object.

      Example loading data from a list of Google Cloud Storage files.

       String gcsUrl1 = "gs://my_bucket/filename1.csv";
       String gcsUrl2 = "gs://my_bucket/filename2.csv";
       List<String> sourceUris = new ArrayList<>();
       Job job = table.load(FormatOptions.csv(), sourceUris);
       // Wait for the job to complete
       try {
         Job completedJob = job.waitFor(RetryOption.initialRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(1)),
         if (completedJob != null && completedJob.getStatus().getError() == null) {
           // Job completed successfully
         } else {
           // Handle error case
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         // Handle interrupted wait
      format - the format of the exported data
      sourceUris - the fully-qualified Google Cloud Storage URIs (e.g. gs://bucket/path) from which to load the data
      options - job options
      BigQueryException - upon failure
    • getBigQuery

      public BigQuery getBigQuery()
      Returns the table's BigQuery object used to issue requests.
    • toBuilder

      public Table.Builder toBuilder()
      Description copied from class: TableInfo
      Returns a builder for the table object.
      toBuilder in class TableInfo
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class TableInfo
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class TableInfo