
final class GrpcClientSettings
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def withBackend(value: String): GrpcClientSettings
def withChannelBuilderOverrides(builderOverrides: NettyChannelBuilder => NettyChannelBuilder): GrpcClientSettings

To override any default channel configurations used by netty. Only for power users. API may change when io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded is replaced by io.grpc:grpc-core and Akka HTTP.

To override any default channel configurations used by netty. Only for power users. API may change when io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded is replaced by io.grpc:grpc-core and Akka HTTP.


How many times to retry establishing a connection before failing the client Failure can be monitored using client.stopped and monitoring the Future/CompletionStage. An exponentially increasing backoff is used between attempts.

How many times to retry establishing a connection before failing the client Failure can be monitored using client.stopped and monitoring the Future/CompletionStage. An exponentially increasing backoff is used between attempts.

def withDeadline(value: Duration): GrpcClientSettings

Each call will have this deadline.

Each call will have this deadline.

def withDeadline(value: Duration): GrpcClientSettings

Each call will have this deadline.

Each call will have this deadline.


If using ServiceDiscovery and no port is returned use this one.

If using ServiceDiscovery and no port is returned use this one.

def withServicePortName(servicePortName: String): GrpcClientSettings

When using service discovery, port name is the optional parameter to filter the requests. Looking up a service may return multiple ports (http/https/...) if the remote process only serves the grpc service on a specific port you must use this setting.

When using service discovery, port name is the optional parameter to filter the requests. Looking up a service may return multiple ports (http/https/...) if the remote process only serves the grpc service on a specific port you must use this setting.

def withSslContext(sslContext: SSLContext): GrpcClientSettings

Prefer using withContextManager: withSslContext forces the ssl-provider 'jdk', which is known not to work on JDK 1.8.0_252.

Prefer using withContextManager: withSslContext forces the ssl-provider 'jdk', which is known not to work on JDK 1.8.0_252.

def withSslProvider(sslProvider: SslProvider): GrpcClientSettings
def withTls(enabled: Boolean): GrpcClientSettings

Set to false to use unencrypted HTTP/2. This should not be used in production system.

Set to false to use unencrypted HTTP/2. This should not be used in production system.

def withTrustManager(trustManager: TrustManager): GrpcClientSettings
def withUserAgent(value: String): GrpcClientSettings

Provides a custom User-Agent for the application.

Provides a custom User-Agent for the application.

It's an optional parameter. The library will provide a user agent independent of this option. If provided, the given agent will prepend the library's user agent information.


Deprecated methods

@deprecated("use withLoadBalancingPolicy", since = "1.0.0")
def withGrpcLoadBalancingType(loadBalancingType: String): GrpcClientSettings
[Since version 1.0.0]

Concrete fields

val callCredentials: Option[CallCredentials]
val channelBuilderOverrides: NettyChannelBuilder => NettyChannelBuilder
val resolveTimeout: FiniteDuration
val serviceDiscovery: ServiceDiscovery
val servicePortName: Option[String]
val serviceProtocol: Option[String]
val sslContext: Option[SSLContext]
val sslProvider: Option[SslProvider]
val trustManager: Option[TrustManager]
val useTls: Boolean
val userAgent: Option[String]