
@ApiMayChange @AkkaGrpcGenerated
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(implementation: ServerReflection)(implicit system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): HttpRequest => Future[HttpResponse]

Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handler and ends with StatusCodes.NotFound if the request is not matching.

Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handler and ends with StatusCodes.NotFound if the request is not matching.

Use akka.grpc.scaladsl.ServiceHandler.concatOrNotFound with ServerReflectionHandler.partial when combining several services.

def apply(implementation: ServerReflection, eHandler: ActorSystem => PartialFunction[Throwable, Trailers])(implicit system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): HttpRequest => Future[HttpResponse]

Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handler and ends with StatusCodes.NotFound if the request is not matching.

Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handler and ends with StatusCodes.NotFound if the request is not matching.

Use akka.grpc.scaladsl.ServiceHandler.concatOrNotFound with ServerReflectionHandler.partial when combining several services.

def apply(implementation: ServerReflection, prefix: String)(implicit system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): HttpRequest => Future[HttpResponse]

Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handler and ends with StatusCodes.NotFound if the request is not matching.

Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handler and ends with StatusCodes.NotFound if the request is not matching.

Use akka.grpc.scaladsl.ServiceHandler.concatOrNotFound with ServerReflectionHandler.partial when combining several services.

Registering a gRPC service under a custom prefix is not widely supported and strongly discouraged by the specification.

def apply(implementation: ServerReflection, prefix: String, eHandler: ActorSystem => PartialFunction[Throwable, Trailers])(implicit system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): HttpRequest => Future[HttpResponse]

Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handler and ends with StatusCodes.NotFound if the request is not matching.

Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handler and ends with StatusCodes.NotFound if the request is not matching.

Use akka.grpc.scaladsl.ServiceHandler.concatOrNotFound with ServerReflectionHandler.partial when combining several services.

Registering a gRPC service under a custom prefix is not widely supported and strongly discouraged by the specification.

def partial(implementation: ServerReflection, prefix: String, eHandler: ActorSystem => PartialFunction[Throwable, Trailers])(implicit system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): PartialFunction[HttpRequest, Future[HttpResponse]]

Creates a partial HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be combined with handlers of other services with akka.grpc.scaladsl.ServiceHandler.concatOrNotFound and then used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync.

Creates a partial HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler that can be combined with handlers of other services with akka.grpc.scaladsl.ServiceHandler.concatOrNotFound and then used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync.

Use ServerReflectionHandler.apply if the server is only handling one service.

Registering a gRPC service under a custom prefix is not widely supported and strongly discouraged by the specification.
