
package castor

Type members


trait Actor[T]
abstract class BaseActor[T]()(implicit ac: Context) extends Actor[T]
abstract class BatchActor[T]()(implicit ac: Context) extends BaseActor[T]
trait Context extends ExecutionContext with Context

An extended scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext; provides the ability to schedule messages to be sent later, and hooks to track the current number of outstanding tasks or log the actor message sends for debugging purposes

An extended scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext; provides the ability to schedule messages to be sent later, and hooks to track the current number of outstanding tasks or log the actor message sends for debugging purposes

object Context extends ContextCompanionObject
class ProxyActor[T, V](f: T => V, downstream: Actor[V])(implicit ac: Context) extends SimpleActor[T]
abstract class SimpleActor[T]()(implicit ac: Context) extends BaseActor[T]
class SplitActor[T](downstreams: Actor[T]*)(implicit ac: Context) extends SimpleActor[T]
abstract class StateMachineActor[T]()(implicit ac: Context) extends SimpleActor[T]