
trait Context extends ExecutionContext with Context

An extended scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext; provides the ability to schedule messages to be sent later, and hooks to track the current number of outstanding tasks or log the actor message sends for debugging purposes

trait Context
trait ExecutionContext
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Impl
class Simple
class Test
trait TestBase

Value members

Abstract methods

def execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit
def future[T](t: => T)(implicit fileName: FileName, line: Line): Future[T]

Concrete methods

def reportComplete(token: Token): Unit
def reportRun(a: Actor[_], msg: Any, token: Token): Unit
def reportSchedule(fileName: FileName, line: Line): Token
def reportSchedule(a: Actor[_], msg: Any, fileName: FileName, line: Line): Token

Inherited methods

def reportFailure(@deprecatedName("t") cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:

Deprecated and Inherited methods

@deprecated(message = "preparation of ExecutionContexts will be removed", since = "2.12.0")
def prepare(): ExecutionContext
[Since version 2.12.0] preparation of ExecutionContexts will be removed
Inherited from: