
trait TypedTag[Builder, +Output <: FragT, +FragT] extends Frag[Builder, Output]

A generic representation of a Scalatags tag.

Type parameters


The base type that this tag represents. On Scala-JVM, this is all Nothing, while on ScalaJS this could be the dom.XXXElement associated with that tag name.


trait Frag[Builder, Output]
trait Modifier[Builder]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class TypedTag[Output]
class TypedTag[O]

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply(xs: Modifier[Builder]*): Self

Add the given modifications (e.g. additional children, or new attributes) to the TypedTag.

Add the given modifications (e.g. additional children, or new attributes) to the TypedTag.


def modifiers: List[Seq[Modifier[Builder]]]

The modifiers that are applied to a TypedTag are kept in this linked-Seq (which are actually WrappedArrays) data-structure in order for maximum performance.

The modifiers that are applied to a TypedTag are kept in this linked-Seq (which are actually WrappedArrays) data-structure in order for maximum performance.


def render: Output

Collapses this scalatags tag tree and returns an Output

Collapses this scalatags tag tree and returns an Output


def tag: String

Concrete methods

def build(b: Builder): Unit

Walks the modifiers to apply them to a particular Builder. Super sketchy/procedural for max performance.

Walks the modifiers to apply them to a particular Builder. Super sketchy/procedural for max performance.


Inherited methods

def applyTo(t: Builder): Unit

Applies this modifier to the specified Builder, such that when rendering is complete the effect of adding this modifier can be seen.

Applies this modifier to the specified Builder, such that when rendering is complete the effect of adding this modifier can be seen.


Inherited from: