
trait Util[Builder, Output <: FragT, FragT] extends LowPriUtil[Builder, Output, FragT]

Created by haoyi on 6/2/14.


trait LowPriUtil[Builder, Output, FragT]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait AnchorElementAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait Attrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait ClipboardEventAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait FormEventAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait GlobalAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait InputAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait KeyboardEventAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait MouseEventAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait SharedEventAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait MediaEventAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait MiscellaneousEventAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait WindowEventAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait StyleMisc[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait Styles[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait Styles2[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait SvgAttrs[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait SvgTags[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait SvgTags
object svgTags.type
trait SvgTags[Output, FragT]
object svgTags.type
trait Tags[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait Tags
object all.type
object short.type
object tags.type
trait Tags[Output, FragT]
object all.type
object short.type
object tags.type
trait Tags2[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait Tags2
object tags2.type
trait Tags2[Output, FragT]
object tags2.type
trait TagFactory
trait Cap
object attrs.type
object *.type
object styles.type
object styles2.type
object svgAttrs.type
trait TagFactory[Output, FragT]
trait Cap
object attrs.type
object *.type
object styles.type
object styles2.type
object svgAttrs.type
Show all

Members list

Type members


implicit class SeqNode[A](xs: Seq[A])(implicit ev: A => Modifier[Builder]) extends Modifier[Builder]

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding a Seq containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding a Seq containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.


trait Modifier[Builder]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any


type ConcreteHtmlTag[T <: Output] <: TypedTag[Builder, T, FragT]

Value members

Abstract methods

def makeAbstractTypedTag[T <: Output](tag: String, void: Boolean, namespaceConfig: Namespace): ConcreteHtmlTag[T]
def tag(s: String, void: Boolean): TypedTag[Builder, Output, FragT]

Concrete methods

def attr(s: String, ns: Namespace, raw: Boolean): Attr

Constructs an Attr attribute object from a string; can be used inline:

Constructs an Attr attribute object from a string; can be used inline:

   attr("hello-world-special-attr") := "foo

Or assigned to a name and used later

 val hello = attr("hello-world-special-attr")
   hello := "foo


def css(s: String): Style

Constructs a CSS Style from a string, can be used inline

Constructs a CSS Style from a string, can be used inline

   css("-moz-special-style") := "foo"

Or assigned to a name and used later

 val mozSpecial := css("-moz-special-style")
   mozSpecial := "foo"


def frag(frags: Frag[Builder, FragT]*): Frag[Builder, FragT]
def modifier(mods: Modifier[Builder]*): Modifier[Builder]



implicit def ArrayNode[A](xs: Array[A])(implicit ev: A => Modifier[Builder]): SeqNode[A]

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Array containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Array containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.


implicit def OptionNode[A](xs: Option[A])(implicit ev: A => Modifier[Builder]): SeqNode[A]

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Option containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Option containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.


final implicit def SeqNode[A](xs: Seq[A])(implicit ev: A => Modifier[Builder]): SeqNode[A]

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding a Seq containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding a Seq containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.


Inherited implicits

implicit def ArrayFrag[A](xs: Array[A])(implicit ev: A => Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT


Inherited from:
implicit def GeneratorFrag[A](xs: Generator[A])(implicit ev: A => Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT


Inherited from:
implicit def OptionFrag[A](xs: Option[A])(implicit ev: A => Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Renders an Option of FragT into a single FragT

Renders an Option of FragT into a single FragT


Inherited from:
implicit def SeqFrag[A](xs: Seq[A])(implicit ev: A => Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT


Inherited from:
implicit def UnitFrag(u: Unit): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Lets you put Unit into a scalatags tree, as a no-op.

Lets you put Unit into a scalatags tree, as a no-op.


Inherited from: