
trait ReflectedHtmlAttrBuilder[RA[_, _]]

This trait builds objects representing reflected attributes which are typically on the left hand side of the reflectedAttr := value syntax.

Reflected attributes are explained in the README file.

Also see com.raquo.domtypes.generic.defs.reflectedAttrs.ReflectedHtmlAttrs for a summary of reflected attributes. Basically it's a subset of HTML attributes that are fully mirrored as DOM properties, so typically you don't want to load both an attribute and a property of the same name.

Type parameters:

ReflectedAttribute[ScalaValue, PropRawDomValue], either a Prop or an HtmlAttr, depending on whether you want to build properties or attributes

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def reflectedAttr[V, DomPropV](attrKey: String, propKey: String, attrCodec: Codec[V, String], propCodec: Codec[V, DomPropV]): RA[V, DomPropV]

Create a reflected attribute

Create a reflected attribute

Concrete methods

protected def booleanReflectedAttr(attrKey: String, propKey: String, attrCodec: Codec[Boolean, String]): RA[Boolean, Boolean]
protected def booleanReflectedAttr(key: String, attrCodec: Codec[Boolean, String]): RA[Boolean, Boolean]
protected def doubleReflectedAttr(key: String): RA[Double, Double]
protected def intReflectedAttr(attrKey: String, propKey: String): RA[Int, Int]
protected def intReflectedAttr(key: String): RA[Int, Int]
protected def stringReflectedAttr(attrKey: String, propKey: String): RA[String, String]
protected def stringReflectedAttr(key: String): RA[String, String]