
object BooleanAsYesNoStringCodec extends Codec[Boolean, String]
trait Codec[Boolean, String]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def decode(domValue: String): Boolean

Convert the result of a dom.Node.getAttribute call to appropriate Scala type.

Convert the result of a dom.Node.getAttribute call to appropriate Scala type.

Note: HTML Attributes are generally optional, and dom.Node.getAttribute will return null if an attribute is not defined on a given DOM node. However, this decoder is only intended for cases when the attribute is defined.

// @TODO Orly? What about boolean attrs? How do we distinguish that? What about props?

Definition Classes
override def encode(scalaValue: Boolean): String

Convert desired attribute value to appropriate DOM type. The resulting value should be passed to dom.Node.setAttribute call, EXCEPT when resulting value is a null. In that case you should call dom.Node.removeAttribute instead.

Convert desired attribute value to appropriate DOM type. The resulting value should be passed to dom.Node.setAttribute call, EXCEPT when resulting value is a null. In that case you should call dom.Node.removeAttribute instead.

We use null instead of Option here to reduce overhead in JS land. This method should not be called by end users anyway, it's the consuming library's job to call this method under the hood.

Definition Classes