
trait HttpClient extends AutoCloseable

A typeclass that an underlying http client can implement, so that it can be used by the ElasticClient implementation by elastic4s.

In other words, this is a wrapper trait so that HTTP libraries such as Apache HTTP commons, Akka HTTP client, STTP or whatever can be used with elasticsearch. The wrapped client can then be passed into the ElasticClient.

trait AutoCloseable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def close(): Unit

Closes the underlying http client. Can be a no-op if the underlying client does not have state that needs to be closed.

Closes the underlying http client. Can be a no-op if the underlying client does not have state that needs to be closed.

def send(request: ElasticRequest, callback: Either[Throwable, HttpResponse] => Unit): Unit

Sends the given request to elasticsearch.

Sends the given request to elasticsearch.

Implementations should invoke the callback function once the response is known.

The callback function should be invoked with a HttpResponse for all requests that received a response, including 4xx and 5xx responses. The callback function should only be invoked with an exception if the client could not complete the request.

Concrete fields

protected val logger: Logger