
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def hits(client: ElasticClient, searchreq: SearchRequest)(implicit timeout: Duration): Iterator[SearchHit]

Creates a new Iterator for instances of SearchHit by wrapping the given HTTP client.

Creates a new Iterator for instances of SearchHit by wrapping the given HTTP client.

def iterate[T](client: ElasticClient, searchreq: SearchRequest)(implicit reader: HitReader[T], timeout: Duration): Iterator[T]

Creates a new Iterator for type T by wrapping the given HTTP client. A typeclass HitReader[T] must be provided for marshalling of the search responses into instances of type T.

Creates a new Iterator for type T by wrapping the given HTTP client. A typeclass HitReader[T] must be provided for marshalling of the search responses into instances of type T.