
public class Request
extends Entity
The SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request data type contains general information relating to a hardware, virtual server, or service upgrade. It also relates a [[SoftLayer_Billing_Order]] to a [[SoftLayer_Ticket]].
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • account

      @ApiProperty protected Account account
      The account that an order belongs to
    • completedFlag

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean completedFlag
      Indicates that the upgrade request has completed or has been cancelled.
    • invoice

      @ApiProperty protected Invoice invoice
      This is the invoice associated with the upgrade request. For hourly servers or services, an invoice will not be available.
    • order

      @ApiProperty protected Order order
      An order record associated to the upgrade request
    • server

      @ApiProperty protected Hardware server
      A server object associated with the upgrade request if any.
    • status

      @ApiProperty protected Status status
      The current status of the upgrade request.
    • ticket

      @ApiProperty protected Ticket ticket
      The ticket that is used to coordinate the upgrade process.
    • user

      @ApiProperty protected Customer user
      The user that placed the order.
    • virtualGuest

      @ApiProperty protected Guest virtualGuest
      A virtual server object associated with the upgrade request if any.
    • accountId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long accountId
      The unique internal id of a SoftLayer account
    • accountIdSpecified

      protected boolean accountIdSpecified
    • createDate

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected GregorianCalendar createDate
      The date an upgrade request was created.
    • createDateSpecified

      protected boolean createDateSpecified
    • employeeId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long employeeId
      The unique internal id of the last modified user
    • employeeIdSpecified

      protected boolean employeeIdSpecified
    • guestId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long guestId
      The unique internal id of the virtual server that an upgrade will be done
    • guestIdSpecified

      protected boolean guestIdSpecified
    • hardwareId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long hardwareId
      The unique internal id of the hardware that an upgrade will be done
    • hardwareIdSpecified

      protected boolean hardwareIdSpecified
    • id

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long id
      An upgrade request's internal identifier.
    • idSpecified

      protected boolean idSpecified
    • maintenanceStartTimeUtc

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected GregorianCalendar maintenanceStartTimeUtc
      The time that system admin starts working on the order item. This is used for upgrade orders.
    • maintenanceStartTimeUtcSpecified

      protected boolean maintenanceStartTimeUtcSpecified
    • modifyDate

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected GregorianCalendar modifyDate
      The date an upgrade request was last modified.
    • modifyDateSpecified

      protected boolean modifyDateSpecified
    • orderId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long orderId
      The unique internal id of the order that an upgrade request is related to
    • orderIdSpecified

      protected boolean orderIdSpecified
    • orderTotal

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected BigDecimal orderTotal
      The total amount of fees
    • orderTotalSpecified

      protected boolean orderTotalSpecified
    • proratedTotal

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected BigDecimal proratedTotal
      The prorated total amount of recurring fees
    • proratedTotalSpecified

      protected boolean proratedTotalSpecified
    • statusId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long statusId
      The unique internal id of an upgrade status
    • statusIdSpecified

      protected boolean statusIdSpecified
    • ticketId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long ticketId
      The unique internal id of the ticket related to an upgrade request
    • ticketIdSpecified

      protected boolean ticketIdSpecified
    • userId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long userId
      The unique internal id of the customer who place the order
    • userIdSpecified

      protected boolean userIdSpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • Request

      public Request()
  • Method Details

    • getAccount

      public Account getAccount()
    • setAccount

      public void setAccount​(Account account)
    • getCompletedFlag

      public Boolean getCompletedFlag()
    • setCompletedFlag

      public void setCompletedFlag​(Boolean completedFlag)
    • getInvoice

      public Invoice getInvoice()
    • setInvoice

      public void setInvoice​(Invoice invoice)
    • getOrder

      public Order getOrder()
    • setOrder

      public void setOrder​(Order order)
    • getServer

      public Hardware getServer()
    • setServer

      public void setServer​(Hardware server)
    • getStatus

      public Status getStatus()
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus​(Status status)
    • getTicket

      public Ticket getTicket()
    • setTicket

      public void setTicket​(Ticket ticket)
    • getUser

      public Customer getUser()
    • setUser

      public void setUser​(Customer user)
    • getVirtualGuest

      public Guest getVirtualGuest()
    • setVirtualGuest

      public void setVirtualGuest​(Guest virtualGuest)
    • getAccountId

      public Long getAccountId()
    • setAccountId

      public void setAccountId​(Long accountId)
    • isAccountIdSpecified

      public boolean isAccountIdSpecified()
    • unsetAccountId

      public void unsetAccountId()
    • getCreateDate

      public GregorianCalendar getCreateDate()
    • setCreateDate

      public void setCreateDate​(GregorianCalendar createDate)
    • isCreateDateSpecified

      public boolean isCreateDateSpecified()
    • unsetCreateDate

      public void unsetCreateDate()
    • getEmployeeId

      public Long getEmployeeId()
    • setEmployeeId

      public void setEmployeeId​(Long employeeId)
    • isEmployeeIdSpecified

      public boolean isEmployeeIdSpecified()
    • unsetEmployeeId

      public void unsetEmployeeId()
    • getGuestId

      public Long getGuestId()
    • setGuestId

      public void setGuestId​(Long guestId)
    • isGuestIdSpecified

      public boolean isGuestIdSpecified()
    • unsetGuestId

      public void unsetGuestId()
    • getHardwareId

      public Long getHardwareId()
    • setHardwareId

      public void setHardwareId​(Long hardwareId)
    • isHardwareIdSpecified

      public boolean isHardwareIdSpecified()
    • unsetHardwareId

      public void unsetHardwareId()
    • getId

      public Long getId()
    • setId

      public void setId​(Long id)
    • isIdSpecified

      public boolean isIdSpecified()
    • unsetId

      public void unsetId()
    • getMaintenanceStartTimeUtc

      public GregorianCalendar getMaintenanceStartTimeUtc()
    • setMaintenanceStartTimeUtc

      public void setMaintenanceStartTimeUtc​(GregorianCalendar maintenanceStartTimeUtc)
    • isMaintenanceStartTimeUtcSpecified

      public boolean isMaintenanceStartTimeUtcSpecified()
    • unsetMaintenanceStartTimeUtc

      public void unsetMaintenanceStartTimeUtc()
    • getModifyDate

      public GregorianCalendar getModifyDate()
    • setModifyDate

      public void setModifyDate​(GregorianCalendar modifyDate)
    • isModifyDateSpecified

      public boolean isModifyDateSpecified()
    • unsetModifyDate

      public void unsetModifyDate()
    • getOrderId

      public Long getOrderId()
    • setOrderId

      public void setOrderId​(Long orderId)
    • isOrderIdSpecified

      public boolean isOrderIdSpecified()
    • unsetOrderId

      public void unsetOrderId()
    • getOrderTotal

      public BigDecimal getOrderTotal()
    • setOrderTotal

      public void setOrderTotal​(BigDecimal orderTotal)
    • isOrderTotalSpecified

      public boolean isOrderTotalSpecified()
    • unsetOrderTotal

      public void unsetOrderTotal()
    • getProratedTotal

      public BigDecimal getProratedTotal()
    • setProratedTotal

      public void setProratedTotal​(BigDecimal proratedTotal)
    • isProratedTotalSpecified

      public boolean isProratedTotalSpecified()
    • unsetProratedTotal

      public void unsetProratedTotal()
    • getStatusId

      public Long getStatusId()
    • setStatusId

      public void setStatusId​(Long statusId)
    • isStatusIdSpecified

      public boolean isStatusIdSpecified()
    • unsetStatusId

      public void unsetStatusId()
    • getTicketId

      public Long getTicketId()
    • setTicketId

      public void setTicketId​(Long ticketId)
    • isTicketIdSpecified

      public boolean isTicketIdSpecified()
    • unsetTicketId

      public void unsetTicketId()
    • getUserId

      public Long getUserId()
    • setUserId

      public void setUserId​(Long userId)
    • isUserIdSpecified

      public boolean isUserIdSpecified()
    • unsetUserId

      public void unsetUserId()
    • asService

      public Request.Service asService​(ApiClient client)
    • service

      public static Request.Service service​(ApiClient client)
    • service

      public static Request.Service service​(ApiClient client, Long id)