
object Validator extends ValidatorMacros
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class All[T](validators: Seq[Validator[T]]) extends Validator[T]
class Any[T](validators: Seq[Validator[T]]) extends Validator[T]
class Custom[T](doValidate: T => List[ValidationError[_]], showMessage: Option[String]) extends Validator[T]
class Enumeration[T](possibleValues: List[T], encode: Option[() => T], name: Option[SName]) extends Primitive[T]
class Mapped[TT, T](wrapped: Validator[T], g: TT => T) extends Validator[TT]
class Max[T](value: T, exclusive: Boolean)(implicit valueIsNumeric: Numeric[T]) extends Primitive[T]
class MaxLength[T <: String](value: Int) extends Primitive[T]
class MaxSize[T, C <: ([_] =>> Iterable[_])](value: Int) extends Primitive[C[T]]
class Min[T](value: T, exclusive: Boolean)(implicit valueIsNumeric: Numeric[T]) extends Primitive[T]
class MinLength[T <: String](value: Int) extends Primitive[T]
class MinSize[T, C <: ([_] =>> Iterable[_])](value: Int) extends Primitive[C[T]]
class Pattern[T <: String](value: String) extends Primitive[T]
trait Primitive[T] extends Validator[T]


type EncodeToRaw[T] = T => Option[Any]

Value members

Concrete methods

def all[T](v: Validator[T]*): Validator[T]
def any[T](v: Validator[T]*): Validator[T]
def custom[T](doValidate: T => List[ValidationError[_]], showMessage: Option[String]): Validator[T]

Create a custom validator

Create a custom validator

Value Params

Validation function


Custom message

def enumeration[T](possibleValues: List[T]): Enumeration[T]

Create an enumeration validator, with the given possible values.

Create an enumeration validator, with the given possible values.

To represent the enumerated values in documentation, an encoding function needs to be provided. This can be done: * by using the overloaded enumeration method with an encode parameter * by adding an encode function on an Validator.Enumeration instance using one of the .encode functions * by adding the validator directly to a codec (see Mapping.addEncodeToEnumValidator * when the values possible values are of a basic type (numbers, strings), the encode function is inferred if not present, when being added to the schema, see Schema.validate

def enumeration[T](possibleValues: List[T], encode: () => T, name: Option[SName]): Enumeration[T]

Create an enumeration validator, with the given possible values, an optional encoding function (so that the enumerated values can be represented in documentation), and an optional name (to create a reusable documentation component).

Create an enumeration validator, with the given possible values, an optional encoding function (so that the enumerated values can be represented in documentation), and an optional name (to create a reusable documentation component).

Value Params

Specify how values of this type can be encoded to a raw value, which will be used for documentation.

def fixedLength[T <: String](value: Int): Validator[T]
def fixedSize[T, C <: ([_] =>> Iterable[_])](value: Int): Validator[C[T]]
def inRange[T : Numeric](min: T, max: T, minExclusive: Boolean, maxExclusive: Boolean): Validator[T]
def max[T : Numeric](value: T, exclusive: Boolean): Primitive[T]
def maxLength[T <: String](value: Int): Primitive[T]
def maxSize[T, C <: ([_] =>> Iterable[_])](value: Int): Primitive[C[T]]
def min[T : Numeric](value: T, exclusive: Boolean): Primitive[T]
def minLength[T <: String](value: Int): Primitive[T]
def minSize[T, C <: ([_] =>> Iterable[_])](value: Int): Primitive[C[T]]
def negative[T : Numeric]: Primitive[T]
def nonEmpty[T, C <: ([_] =>> Iterable[_])]: Primitive[C[T]]
def nonEmptyString[T <: String]: Primitive[T]
def pass[T]: Validator[T]

A validator instance that always pass.

A validator instance that always pass.

def pattern[T <: String](value: String): Primitive[T]
def positive[T : Numeric]: Primitive[T]
def positiveOrZero[T : Numeric]: Primitive[T]
def reject[T]: Validator[T]

A validator instance that always reject.

A validator instance that always reject.

def show[T](v: Validator[T]): Option[String]

Inherited methods

Creates an enum validator where all subtypes of the sealed hierarchy T are objects. This enumeration will only be used for documentation, as a value outside of the allowed values will not be decoded in the first place (the decoder has no other option than to fail).

Creates an enum validator where all subtypes of the sealed hierarchy T are objects. This enumeration will only be used for documentation, as a value outside of the allowed values will not be decoded in the first place (the decoder has no other option than to fail).

Inherited from