
Static content endpoints, including files and resources.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Tapir

Value members

Concrete methods

def fileGetServerEndpoint[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(systemPath: String): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

A server endpoint, which exposes a single file from local storage found at systemPath, using the given path.

A server endpoint, which exposes a single file from local storage found at systemPath, using the given path.

fileGetServerEndpoint("static" / "hello.html")("/home/app/static/data.html")
def filesGetServerEndpoint[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(systemPath: String, fileFilter: List[String] => Boolean): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

A server endpoint, which exposes files from local storage found at systemPath, using the given prefix. Typically, the prefix is a path, but it can also contain other inputs. For example:

A server endpoint, which exposes files from local storage found at systemPath, using the given prefix. Typically, the prefix is a path, but it can also contain other inputs. For example:

filesGetServerEndpoint("static" / "files")("/home/app/static")

A request to /static/files/css/styles.css will try to read the /home/app/static/css/styles.css file.

Value Params

file will exposed only if this function returns true.

def filesHeadServerEndpoint[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(systemPath: String, fileFilter: List[String] => Boolean): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

A server endpoint, used to verify if sever supports range requests for file under particular path Additionally it verify file existence and returns its size

A server endpoint, used to verify if sever supports range requests for file under particular path Additionally it verify file existence and returns its size

Value Params

file will exposed only if this function returns true.

def filesServerEndpoints[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(systemPath: String, fileFilter: List[String] => Boolean): List[ServerEndpoint[Any, F]]

Create a pair of endpoints (head, get) for exposing files from local storage found at systemPath, using the given prefix. Typically, the prefix is a path, but it can also contain other inputs. For example:

Create a pair of endpoints (head, get) for exposing files from local storage found at systemPath, using the given prefix. Typically, the prefix is a path, but it can also contain other inputs. For example:

filesServerEndpoints("static" / "files")("/home/app/static")

A request to /static/files/css/styles.css will try to read the /home/app/static/css/styles.css file.

Value Params

file will exposed only if this function returns true.

def resourceGetServerEndpoint[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(classLoader: ClassLoader, resourcePath: String, useGzippedIfAvailable: Boolean): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

A server endpoint, which exposes a single resource available from the given classLoader at resourcePath, using the given path.

A server endpoint, which exposes a single resource available from the given classLoader at resourcePath, using the given path.

resourceGetServerEndpoint("static" / "hello.html")(classOf[App].getClassLoader, "app/data.html")
def resourcesGetServerEndpoint[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(classLoader: ClassLoader, resourcePrefix: String, useGzippedIfAvailable: Boolean, resourceFilter: List[String] => Boolean): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

A server endpoint, which exposes resources available from the given classLoader, using the given prefix. Typically, the prefix is a path, but it can also contain other inputs. For example:

A server endpoint, which exposes resources available from the given classLoader, using the given prefix. Typically, the prefix is a path, but it can also contain other inputs. For example:

resourcesGetServerEndpoint("static" / "files")(classOf[App].getClassLoader, "app")

A request to /static/files/css/styles.css will try to read the /app/css/styles.css resource.

Value Params

resource will exposed only if this function returns true.