
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def createClientSSLEngine(hostname: String, port: Int): SSLEngine
def createServerSSLEngine(hostname: String, port: Int): SSLEngine
def verifyClientSession(hostname: String, session: SSLSession): Option[Throwable]

Verification that will be called after every successful handshake to verify additional session information. Return None if valid otherwise Some with explaining cause.

Verification that will be called after every successful handshake to verify additional session information. Return None if valid otherwise Some with explaining cause.

def verifyServerSession(hostname: String, session: SSLSession): Option[Throwable]

Verification that will be called after every successful handshake to verify additional session information. Return None if valid otherwise Some with explaining cause.

Verification that will be called after every successful handshake to verify additional session information. Return None if valid otherwise Some with explaining cause.
