
@deprecated("Classic remoting is deprecated, use Artery", "2.6.0")

An SPI layer for abstracting over logical links (associations) created by a akka.remote.transport.Transport. Handles are responsible for providing an API for sending and receiving from the underlying channel.

To register a listener for processing incoming payload data, the listener must be registered by completing the Promise returned by akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle#readHandlerPromise. Incoming data is not processed until this registration takes place.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

Address of the local endpoint.

Address of the local endpoint.


Address of the local endpoint.


The Promise returned by this call must be completed with an akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle.HandleEventListener to register a listener responsible for handling incoming payload. Until the listener is not registered the transport SHOULD buffer incoming messages.

The Promise returned by this call must be completed with an akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle.HandleEventListener to register a listener responsible for handling incoming payload. Until the listener is not registered the transport SHOULD buffer incoming messages.


Promise that must be completed with the listener responsible for handling incoming data.


Address of the remote endpoint.

Address of the remote endpoint.


Address of the remote endpoint.

def write(payload: ByteString): Boolean

Asynchronously sends the specified payload to the remote endpoint. This method MUST be thread-safe as it might be called from different threads. This method MUST NOT block.

Asynchronously sends the specified payload to the remote endpoint. This method MUST be thread-safe as it might be called from different threads. This method MUST NOT block.

Writes guarantee ordering of messages, but not their reception. The call to write returns with a Boolean indicating if the channel was ready for writes or not. A return value of false indicates that the channel is not yet ready for delivery (e.g.: the write buffer is full) and the sender needs to wait until the channel becomes ready again. Returning false also means that the current write was dropped (this MUST be guaranteed to ensure duplication-free delivery).

Value parameters:

The payload to be delivered to the remote endpoint.


Boolean indicating the availability of the association for subsequent writes.


Concrete methods


Closes the underlying transport link, if needed. Some transports might not need an explicit teardown (UDP) and some transports may not support it (hardware connections). Remote endpoint of the channel or connection MAY be notified, but this is not guaranteed. The Transport that provides the handle MUST guarantee that disassociate() could be called arbitrarily many times.

Closes the underlying transport link, if needed. Some transports might not need an explicit teardown (UDP) and some transports may not support it (hardware connections). Remote endpoint of the channel or connection MAY be notified, but this is not guaranteed. The Transport that provides the handle MUST guarantee that disassociate() could be called arbitrarily many times.


Deprecated methods

@deprecated(message = "Use method that states reasons to make sure disassociation reasons are logged.", since = "2.5.3")

Closes the underlying transport link, if needed. Some transports might not need an explicit teardown (UDP) and some transports may not support it (hardware connections). Remote endpoint of the channel or connection MAY be notified, but this is not guaranteed. The Transport that provides the handle MUST guarantee that disassociate() could be called arbitrarily many times.

Closes the underlying transport link, if needed. Some transports might not need an explicit teardown (UDP) and some transports may not support it (hardware connections). Remote endpoint of the channel or connection MAY be notified, but this is not guaranteed. The Transport that provides the handle MUST guarantee that disassociate() could be called arbitrarily many times.

[Since version 2.5.3] Use method that states reasons to make sure disassociation reasons are logged.