
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object OWrites
object Writes

Value members

Concrete methods

def list[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): Writes[List[A]]
def map[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): OWrites[Map[String, A]]
def of[A](implicit w: Writes[A]): Writes[A]
def optionWithNull[A](implicit wa: Writes[A]): Writes[Option[A]]

Pure Option Writer[T] which writes "null" when None which is different from JsPath.writeNullable which omits the field when None

Pure Option Writer[T] which writes "null" when None which is different from JsPath.writeNullable which omits the field when None

def pruned[A]: Writes[A]
def pure[A](fixed: => A)(implicit wrs: Writes[A]): Writes[JsValue]
def seq[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): Writes[Seq[A]]
def set[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): Writes[Set[A]]

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Use `pruned` without `Writes[A]`", "2.8.0")
def pruned[A](implicit w: Writes[A]): Writes[A]